So here is my wish list of demands, each one a link to a previous post elaborating or including the idea.
We need to do democracy right!
- Direct Democracy Now! We don't need to vote for people to make decisions for us, we can make those decisions, and unfortunately we are the only ones we can trust to do it right. See Also: Representative Demockary, Democracy For Sale, Class War Criminals, and Why I Voted for Obama: Reason
- Globalize Democracy! One person, one vote should be global, universal, no exceptions. AND we can vote on local, regional, AND global issues! This is what global democracy looks like! See Also: Globalize Democracy/Localize Government!
- Open Source Government! We now live in an age where 'we the people' can collectively write our policies and laws, re-write and edit them in an open source format, giving all equal access to government. Think Wiki-Gov, and before you say how bad it could be, think of what we have now.
- The Party is Over! No more political parties. Political parties have always been a device to subvert democracy by creating large groups who vote together in blocks, instead of considering each issue as individuals. See Also: Left, Right, Wrong

We need to do money right!
- Tear down this Wall St! We're tired of playing Moneyopoly, can we play something else now? The Free Market has spoken, now it's our turn. See Also: Money-opoly
- Boycott Money! It's time we listened to our wisest fore-fathers who repeatedly warned us about big, centralized, banking institutions. Money IS a monopoly! Alternative and local currencies are the solution! See Also: Providing Jobs in a Matter of Hours
- No More Super Rich! That's right, I didn't say "No more tax cuts for the rich" We need to recapitulate (and cap) wealth in the world to limit income disparities as FDR suggested in his proposed "Economic Bill of Rights." See Also: World Wide Strike, Moneyopoly, and The True Sleeping Giant; and from my other blog 'Pagan Jesus Freak' Two Golden Rules, and Grief and Joy
- Everyone gets a Home! Millions of people are being thrown from there homes by the banks who took our tax money! Everyone deserves a home, JUST ONE!!! For those of you who shrill at the notion of being limited to just one house, please juxtapose that scenario with the millions of people who are losing their ONLY home, some even now as you read this.

We need to do "Rights" right!
- Equal Rights For ALL! No more BS about why we can't allow others to have the same rights "we enjoy as Americans" Until equal Rights are universal, they are unequal and therefore not right. See Also: The Assassin president, Globalize Democracy/Localize Government, and from my other blog Racist Arizona
- People over Corporations! People, animals, and the planet have rights, corporations do not. Somehow we the people are once again powerless in a world of giants. See Also: Oil Well?, So you say you want A Mass Global Uprising and Obama is a traitor...
- Justice just is! Our institutions of justice are broken in precisely the same ways as our electoral and political systems are corrupt. In the US money wins court cases and elections, lawyers and lobbyists are the attack dogs and errand boys of the corporate aristocracy. See Also: The Assassin President

We need to wake up from the American dream!
- No more Nationalism! Nations don't really exist, they are legal fictions that exist only on paper and in the minds of men, and women. And yet, we kill and die for these entities, as if we were under some strange spell called patriotism. See Also: False American Idol, An Inconvenient Revolution, Criminals, Imperialists, and Assassins, and Israel isn't Real
- Super Power Corrupts! We need to eliminate the "Too big too fail" governments just as we need to eliminate the big banks! But we can take small steps to an un-national world by simply making each state its' own nation. Even the smallest of US states is large enough to be a nation on the European subcontinent. See Also: Globalize Democracy/Localize Government,
- Unite the world! I happen to believe that the workers of the world can unite, we've got nothing to lose but our chains. But we cannot let the false chamber system of nationalism isolate us from the rest of the world, the true 99%! See Also: Thank You Scott Walker!, Class War Criminals, World Wide Strike!, Egypt Rising, and Revolution Party!
- Stop the War Machine! We need to stop occupying everyone else's homeland with our mega military bases and stop enabling the atrocities in Palestine, these two basic things could have prevented Al Queda, 9/11, and the war of terror. See Also: Happy War Day, President Betray-Us, Coalition of the Drilling, Whudya gonna do about it?, Nobel Peace Prize for Rhetoric, War on Peace!, Jesus goes Rambo, and from my other blog: Rebel Spirit

These are just some ideas I've been working on much of my life and I've been publishing them in recent years in anticipation of the right movement. This is that movement, I don't claim to have the message for the entire 99%, but if we do not all contribute our pieces of the puzzle we will never get to see the bigger picture. The media is asking for a message, we know there is a message and they just don't want to hear it. But that's why we need to spell it out for them, literally. We need to discuss our deepest visions for a better world and we better get it on right away. The mainstream media may not listen but a lot of people are listening, and talking, and it's time we have that discussion. So, have ya heard about these Occupy Wall St. people?
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