"Last month protesters took to the streets across the country to demand their universal rights, and a government that is accountable to them and responsive to their aspirations. And they were met with an iron fist."
~Barack Obama (referring to Muammar Gaddafis suppression of peaceful demonstrations)
Interventionism is not uncommon among nations when witnessing the suppression of the peoples voices under a brutal regime, it's natural to want to intervene on behalf of the people and remove the repressive system. This is well represented in the mission of NATO, an organization that started as a defensive pact among major allies after WWII but has participated in almost exclusively interventionist operations in the last half century. Take Libya for example; the people of Libya had watched their infrastructure and social fabric fall into decay over the last three decades due to the corruption of power and wealth at the very top. The riches of the country had been concentrated into so few hands that the people finally came to a breaking point and there were simply no other options but to go out into the streets in the tens of thousands and make their voices heard. And though they were beaten, arrested, and suppressed, their voices were heard around the world, and powerful organizations responded.
Is there a great power out there that can hear the voice of my people crying out for justice, risking everything to be heard? Is there a higher form of justice, order, authority who can intervene on the vast corruption of the political and economical power structures that exploit my people, suppress our will, and then brutally repress our peaceful demonstration for a redress of our grievances? We have watched our infrastructure and social fabric decay over the last three decades due to the corruption of power and wealth at the very top. The riches of the country have been concentrated into so few hands that the people finally came to a breaking point and there are simply no other options but to go out into the streets in the tens of thousands and make our voices heard. And though we are beaten, arrested, and suppressed, our voices are being heard around the world. Will some powerful organization respond?
Where are those who are supposed to police the police? Why won't our highest law authorities investigate systemic violations of first amendment rights? Where is NATOs NATO? Where is the true moral authority who can wag their finger at Hillary Clinton the way she self righteously chided Muammar Gaddafi? Where is the world leader who has the audacity to tell the American president that he should obey the will of his people or suffer the consequences? Where is the threatening presence of a super power who can force our rogue regime to play by the rules? Even with a constitutional law professor as the president of the united states of america, the constitution is all but meaningless as the president himself openly engages in and endorsed the extra-judicial killings of his own citizens and dozens of others around the world. The rule of law has been irretrievably subverted to the ends of the most powerful people on the planet through the mechanism of the corporate model.
The wealthy effectively own the poor and can have our labor, our property, even seduce our children for whatever price they name. To the wealthiest people of the world, everything and everyone has a price, and money is "no object." Wealth doesn't "Trickle Down," every last dime of it is used to the unfair advantage of the rich over the poor, the masses. While some work 50-60 hours each week and still lose their only home, others work not at all and have several lavish homes and everything they could ever want or need guaranteed to them, for simply being born into the right family. Our current system has devolved back into a feudal system where the few owners of vast wealth and estates are once again our true masters, we serve them for meager reward or oppose them at our own peril. There is little difference now between the "Landlord" in a Capitalist system and the "Lord of the Land" in a feudal system, our modern legal system still uses the word "Peasant" to describe the poor. The feudal system and capitalism have always had one very important common thread: property rights over human rights.
Property rights justified slavery and continue to justify the exploitation of labor and extraction of wealth by those who do no real work in our society. The basic idea of "Capitalism" is that one can use "Capital" (or money) to make more capital; or use money to make money. This very simple concept is always defended though rarely is the basic premise ever questioned: if money is a legal fiction, then why do we accept it as an alternative for labor, and furthermore, why do we value it above labor? Paper money was first issued in ancient Burma and took centuries to build credibility as a viable currency, it's no surprise that people weren't easily convinced that this paper "money" was worth trading away their actual labor, or goods (products of labor.) Today we worship this paper, and though we pretend to value hard work in our society, we deify those who can make it rain cash, even if they've never worked an honest days labor in their life. Though we secretly resent the rich we feel compelled by some invisible force to become their loyal lapdogs when and if we are fortunate enough to get close to them. Money is even considered the most effective sexual turn on, or perhaps "fetish" is more appropriate. Money may not buy love, but it compels some people to sell themselves to the highest bidder as opposed to living a more humble love story.
So who, or what great authority can intervene to save my people, the people of the world, the 99%? I honestly don't care if it's the Judeo-Christian god Jehovah, or Lord Vishnu, or even Lord Xenu, as long as they can restore order to the free market frenzy destroying our planet. But I sincerely hope that the intervention that must take place on behalf of my people, who are crying out for justice around the planet, will take place within each and every one of us, and will change our self destructive designs of hierarchical power to a lateral world of truly equal beings who need not compete with giant political and economic legal fictions like nations and corporations. The change that must occur is in how we view reality, what is truly real, and truly worth saving? We are rapidly waking up from the american dream, or more accurately we are like heroine addicts drying up from our hopeless addictions to the most self deluding drug of all: Money. We the people of the world call upon ourselves and each other to come to our own aid, and to each others defense, and together we will intervene on the inhuman parasitic systems that seek only to dominate and control us, together we will liberate the world!
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