Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Globalize Democracy/Localize Government!

We the people of the world will fundamentally change our global system to embrace the collective ideals of Justice, Liberty, Freedom for all people around the world equally, no exceptions. All animals, habitats, ecosystems, and of course the entire planetary ecosystem are all equal in this global system, with equal rights to a healthy existence. Those rights that we enjoy as Americans are the minimum standard of what we as humans will have universally, no exceptions. Human rightsdemocracyequality, are what MUST be globalized, because in small pockets they are used as tools of hegemony, empires who rule by double standards for justice, rights, and democracy. Until democracy is universal it is undemocratic, until justice is universal it is unjust, until equality is universal it is unequal, until rights are universal they are still wrongs. As the 99% we welcome the 1% to willingly make the required sacrifice, to overpay the overdue dues, that we all know will make this planet more equitable, more sustainable, more adaptable and flexible for the changes that are happening.

It's beyond difficult for most americans to imagine a radically different world power structure, one that effectively eliminated any group, organization, corporation, or even government from becoming too big to fail. Can we imagine a world without super powers? Or a world where the people are the super power? Well, we live in that world today, we the people of the planet, along with the Earth and all of the natural world, are the only real super power. Our nations and corporations are "legal fictions," they are products of our imaginations and only exist on paper. These false entities are struggling for survival in a world that is quickly awakening to the fallacy that has sustained them, but many are still hesitant because they are unsure of what awaits them if we change. How can we change the world for the better without just resetting the same game to take place all over again with different players or the same players gaming the system? We've been playing Money-opoly for too long, we need to change the game.

Every nook and cranny of our world can be self governed on the smallest possible scale, and yet partake in various levels of democracy ranging from local to global. Each local governing body can enjoy autonomy under the agreement of adherence to a set of global treatise not unlike our current international laws. In a true global democracy, "one person, one vote" extends to every human being across the entire planet. Unlike our current international laws and treaties, each individual on the planet actually has a vote for or against these global policies, and their own ideas can be brought to the table without needless association with a group, organization, or political party. The same way that we vote for city, county, and state policies through measures, propositions, and special elections, we can vote for global policies. Open source governance can replace career politicians and patriarchal "executive" figure heads by putting the choice and the necessary information in the hands of the people. There is no need for a global government modeled after our current federal government or the UN, functions at the regional and global levels become little more than that of the election volunteers on the county level.

Instead of having various levels of governance, each town and city will have open councils in person and/or online that handle the everyday affairs of the city. An example of how an online forum overlaps with a physical event, live stream video combined with live stream chats allow the people attending meetings to draw from the ideas and information that others are sending in real time. Instead of counties, we will have resource shed councils, like water sheds, and food sheds, where towns/cities in the same water shed for example have shared stewardship of that resources. The goal (perhaps part of the global treatise) would be for each watershed to become self sustainable so no town or city would carelessly grow beyond it's capacity to sustain itself with water and other basic resources. Beyond these resource-shed councils there would be only the infrastructure and apparatus of democracy, no executive figure heads who rule over many cities and towns like we know today. When we have issues that govern global policies, we all have a say, and possibly a hand in drafting them and eventually voting for them, one person, one vote world wide, no exceptions.

Only issues of global importance and significance are globally decided, the rest will happen at the local levels. Examples of global issues are: democracy, human/animal rights, civil liberties, equality, economic justice, environmental sustainability, regional and global trade and resource sustainability, and war crimes. Direct democracy on a global level is perhaps the only way to avoid the usual fear of world government, the only ones who should fear direct democracy are those who want an unfair hierarchical system with themselves on top and the rest of us on bottom. Those of us who are tired of being on bottom are the 99% and we are ready to create a lateral world. We have for too long globalized the most inequitable systems while limiting democracy and human rights to small groups and regions. We who occupy our little corners of the planet, also occupy the planet as a whole, together. We are beginning to see a 'We the people' who are no less than the global population, each deserving of the same rights, the same voting power. We the people of the world, will form a more perfect union, of real entities, not false idols, a union of people, planet, and ecosystem.

Occupy Earth!

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