So what's "real" and what's "false?" Well, people are real, the planet is real, mountains, rivers, forests are all very real, even towns and cities are real tangible things with naturally defined boundaries. What's false? A mortgage is false, corporations are false, and most importantly nations and governments are false. These are ideas, and not very good ones, they only exist in our minds, not unlike a spell of magic. We don't see nations, we see flags, we see politicians, we see maps with lines, colors, and words superimposed over the continents. But nations simply do not exist, they are false idols not worthy of our respect, appreciation, and especially worship. And what is "patriotism" if not political worship?
Nations follow the blueprint of kingdoms and empires, an open ended format allowing for constant conquest. Kings, emperors, presidents, and prime ministers all see the world in the same way, it's all there for the taking. They collect cities, towns, and villages the same way a child collects baseball cards, they care less for the quality of each town than they do for the quantity of towns. Though each town and city in the collection is very real, the collection is conceptual, temporal, false. The cities of the ancient kingdoms of Europe are still there, still thriving, hustling, and bustling with people, real people in real cities. But the kingdoms have all but vanished, their banners and contracts hang on walls in museums as proof that people once worshiped them as we do our nations today.
America is different you say? It's not a kingdom or an empire like those old outdated forms of government? Wrong, it's far more the same than different, and equally false and temporal. One day people will look back on America as we do on the Roman and British empires and wonder why so many people allowed themselves to be brainwashed into acceptance and complacence. Wonder how we could allow a handful of people to become more rich and powerful than the rest of the population combined. They won't feel any sense of obligatory affection for these lifeless banners, these lying politicians, this heartless war machine. In contrast, as I write this I am committing an act of treason, to advocate for the ultimate destruction and failure of the United States of America, which I do on a near constant basis. This is proof that America is a false idol, as insecurity is a constant state for all false entities, they are never safe from reality which is perpetually undermining falsehoods.
It doesn't please me to speak this obvious truth, we still live in the age of false idols and as we speak people are killing and dying in their names. These false idols are only as powerful as we collectively believe they are and unfortunately that is an awesome power and it's doing far more harm than any imagined good we can attribute to them. But all of those great things people thank their governments for are not the deeds of nations, but people, nations can do nothing for you, they are just ghosts in our imaginations. In fact, you can't spell "imagination" without "nation", perhaps we should all pledge our allegiances to the imagination, a far more real thing than anything that comes from it. And you can't really remove "patriarchy" from "patriotism", yet another overt subordination of the feminine. When you wake up from the american dream and realize the american nightmare something very real begins to emerge, the planet. It's time to drop our mindless patriotism for this false american idol and become devoted to reality, to Earth!
Our Mother Earth is waiting for us all to wake up from this spell of patriotism and become Matriots: those who put the reality of Earth above all false idols.
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