Scott Walker was bought and paid for by the multi-billionaire Koch Bros and from his first day in office it was clear exactly whose agenda was being implemented, Koch Industries© Scott Walker will prove to be very much like George W. Bush, 10% politician 90% puppet. As a result he doesn't understand or care about the delicate balance that is democracy, he only knows who pays him, and what for. He has a job to do, and when he's done, he has a job with Koch Industries© Not a real job of course, he'll be a "consultant" and get paid millions for sitting at home and making an occasional phone call or "business trip". Essentially, he'll be (or is) a corporate agent, not unlike a CIA agent, constantly on missions to defend or extend the empire. This is what we call the "revolving door" between politics and corporations, many of our politicians are "incorporated" into this process so that the line between the corporations and the bodies elected to regulate them has vanished completely.
The problem with this kind of chutzpah, is that it's actually pretty naive. We've been watching the corporate takeover of the planet unfold for many, many years and it's often compared to boiling frogs very slowly so that they don't realize what's happening until it's too late. But the Koch Bros aren't satisfied with a snails pace to progress, they've decided to kick it up a notch, accelerate the process, and who knows, maybe they know something we don't. But I know something they don't know, we the people are the greatest super power in the world. Our only problem is complacency, we're content to watch the world fall apart through a TV screen as long as disaster hasn't come knocking on our door,... yet. But the Koch Bros and their boy Scott Walker have ripped the mask off of the class war and the whole world is watching. Now there are about a dozen Tea Bag republican governors who are doing the same and more to destroy the unions on behalf of the corporations. And the people are beginning to rise up, I say beginning because I know how long this battle will go on.
In trying to destroy the unions with such callous brutality, Scott Walker and the rest of the Koch whores in office have created a vivid revival of the union movement and solidarity among the workers of the world. I for one would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Mr. Walker and the Koch Brothers, THANK YOU!!!!! I'm also happy that they have taken the corruption of government and our electoral process to exciting new heights, because it is more important than you may think to shake the peoples faith in their governments. Now that the frogs can see we are boiling, we can begin to take the steps that can and will bring us the change we can believe in, sorry Obama, it's our turn. Even as we are seeing heroes and heroines emerge from the Wisconsin democrats, I urge you to withdraw your support from the electoral system, republicans and democrats. In fact, if you really want to see the end to this insatiable and unsustainable capitalist machine, vote republican. Especially if it's Palin 2012, you better believe that would unite the majority (workers) against the ruling class in a hurry. And it would set the stage for the Global Uprising that can and will take place.
It cannot be more crucial that we think outside of the box of nationalism, that we use this moment in time to unite the workers of the world to fight for equal rights, human rights, for all people of the world, everywhere, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, etc. Equal rights are not equal until they are universal, and until democracy is global it exists in name only. We have been taught the lessons and it's time to implement them, we know the workers have the most power with their hands in their pockets, thank you Utah Phillips! And we know that the workers of the world can unite, we have nothing to lose but our chains, thank you Karl Marx! I know, "Marx" is a bad word in america, but why? Most people in america have never read a single word he wrote so they rely on what they have heard, and if you listen to the main stream media you've only hear "Marx=evil" and "Socialism=bad". And this is the real reason the unions must go, without the unions carefully explaining to the american worker the dynamics between their bosses and their politicians most of the poor working class are vulnerable to this kind of propaganda.
This election season, VOTE GLOBAL UPRISING 2012!
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