There is nothing more disgusting than to see the parade of US diplomats marching through Egypt claiming to have supported the people against Mubarak. Perhaps the most shameful display comes not surprisingly from John McCain who described the protests sweeping northern Africa as a virus that must be stopped. When he said this people were dying under the corrupt regime of Mubarak and his words lent legitimacy to those who violently opposed the uprising. Of course as a seasoned politician he spoke with no real knowledge of the plight of the Egyptian people, instead he was reacting in a knee jerk fashion from his own views of American foreign policy in the region. And within a week after referring to them as a dangerous virus, he was there in person telling the people of Egypt that he supported their recent uprising.
John McCain saw this as just another platform to grind out the rhetoric that makes him look youthful, he took the opportunity to claim that the peoples' uprising in Egypt was a "repudiation of Al Queda." Whu!? Al Queda!? Was John McCain dozing off for the better part of the last decade? There is absolutely zero evidence of Al Queda presence or activity within the borders of Egypt, nor was there a single link between Bin Laden and Mubarak. In fact, Mubarak was our dictator, our terrorist, our puppet whose tyranny destroyed the lives of millions of Egyptians. If anything, the peoples uprising in Egypt was a repudiation of the US government and their manipulative policies in the region and around the world. I wonder why John McCain would fail to see this simple fact? Could it be because he is perhaps the most imperial republican in his party, whose intent of maintaining American hegemony is rooted in the cold war mentality that he was born into?
What is happening in Libya is notably different from the events that played out in the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings, and it may seem that America could play a positive role if they intervene on behalf of the protesters. But this is the fallacy of good war and it's time we take a good look at history and admit that the truth is always a selfish and petty ploy to extend and maintain Americas' influence and power. If the US cared about saving the lives of thousands of people they could instead save the lives of millions by doing nothing. Any and all military intervention in that region will unfold very much like the Iraq war did. Remember how easy it was going to be to remove Saddam Hussein and bring democracy to Iraq? Strange how it all turned out, who could have foreseen the peoples resentment of the massive US military occupation of their home land?
So once again I address Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton: Shut the hell up and leave those people alone! You can take your wagging finger and chiding tone and go wag it in the mirror at yourselves. You are the shameless dictators of the world and you have no intention of returning power to the people. You work for the corporations and banks who needlessly horde the riches of the world while the people live in desperate poverty. If you want to help people against tyrants why don't you use your power against the big boys on Wall Street? Why don't you get all FDR on the corporate puppets in the republican party? Why not look at the sad and pathetic state of your affairs in your own backyard and do something about it, for a change. I voted for change I can believe in, and what I got was an escalated Class War waged by the rich and powerful, and you Mr. Obama are on the wrong side. But you will soon find that you're own people are uprising and there will be little you can do about it or any other uprising, because you will be down falling.
And good riddance!
I wrote the above post on 3/2/11 when it was still spring in the Arab world. I'm adding this video on 10/24/11 after the assassinations of both Osama BinLaden and most recently Muammar Gaddafi. We also have a little uprising going on here in the US and no surprise, very recent words from Obama and Clinton are drastically, overtly hypocritical. So please watch this video if you feel I was too harsh in my demand that they "Shut up!" and deal with their own affairs. Enjoy American hypocrisy at it's finest!
I wrote the above post on 3/2/11 when it was still spring in the Arab world. I'm adding this video on 10/24/11 after the assassinations of both Osama BinLaden and most recently Muammar Gaddafi. We also have a little uprising going on here in the US and no surprise, very recent words from Obama and Clinton are drastically, overtly hypocritical. So please watch this video if you feel I was too harsh in my demand that they "Shut up!" and deal with their own affairs. Enjoy American hypocrisy at it's finest!
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