As I write this there is a global climate conference taking place in Copenhagen to reach a deal on the curbing greenhouse gases. Ultimately the ceiling of 2 degrees Celsius has been set as the maximum global temperature increase that can be tolerated by our fragile ecosystem, but 1 degree Celsius is more likely the number for climates that are already hot and arid like most of Africa. The Obama administration is running on American auto-pilot by employing the usual tactics of stalling and watering down any deal proposals to the point of redundancy, and most likely will instead use the opportunity to back out on the Kyoto protocol altogether. The current tactic is a typical shell game in which they want to reduce emissions by the right percent using the wrong point of reference.
Any deal that does come out of the talks will rely on a few stubborn congressmen who are marinated in corporate campaign contributions and inundated by endless armies of lobbyists from the oil, gas, coal, and nuclear industries. This is a perfect example of democracy American style, where a handful of people can thwart the will of the world for the sake of the wealthiest percentile. The American government has nothing but contempt for a true global democracy where all share equal rights and political power, this was displayed bluntly when George W. Bush appointed John Bolton as the top diplomat to the U.N. Obama is showing the same contempt with more eloquence by ignoring the voices coming from the people, and we can expect his speech tomorrow will be dismissive in his usual uplifting manner.
I have no faith in this conference, this president, this global system to do what is necessary to achieve a real cut in greenhouse gases in the time we have to do it. Even if Obama wanted to make these changes he would be in for a monumental task with unprecedented resistance from entrenched industries and the people who profit from them. But it can be done, and must be done, so what steps can be taken that could make a significant reduction and save the planet for future generations? Nothing that will make any real change will be simple, the problem is epic in proportion and so are the solutions. Those people who believe that they are owed a "standard of living" or "way of life" will not like the measures that must be taken, and all of us will be called on to make sacrifices.
The first thing president Obama should do is redirect 100% of NASAs' missions and capabilities to saving the planet and appoint James Hansen as it's head. Cut the Defense budget by 70-80% and redirect those funds to rebuilding infrastructure in a leaner, greener way. End all wars and military actions around the world and close all military bases on foreign soil devoting the newly scaled down military to basic defense purposes only. Revoke the rights of corporations and restore the rights of humans, animals, and the earth itself. And revoke the charters of corporations who have already done too much damage and of those who consistently fail to meet set standards for emissions.
We must defeat the oil, gas, coal, and nuclear industries before it's too late, the consequences of failure are unspeakable. Obama and other so-called leaders lack the political will, vision, and sense of scale necessary to achieve significant change, and the change we can expect will be compromised by the industries that are holding the Earth hostage. I truly believe that nothing short of a mass global uprising can break the bondage of this suicidal system. We know that heads of nations and industries will not do the right thing and we cannot settle for their usual "too little, too late" patchwork for our planet. The people of the world have never had such a common platform on which to unite. The parasitic ownership class that has stolen the wealth of the world are now content to fiddle while Rome burns. It's time the suppressed masses impress themselves on their oppressors.
Ready?... wait for it... GO!
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