I am in solidarity with all oppressed people against all governments and elitist organizations including the upper echelons of wealth and power. I am not a fan of the Iranian government any more or less than the average government including (if not especially) the American government. Wars are pretty much the sole domain of nations orchestrated by politicians and generals, if anyone outside of these institutions tries to get in on the business of war they are considered terrorists. Even if those engaged in battle are the victims of an invading country, such as insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan. But in the rare case of Palestine, a country with a government and flag is not allowed to take up arms to defend itself without being labeled "terrorists".
As we know there is a backlash when our military kills innocent civilians, it is a primary recruiter for the enemy of the day. At least that's how the government frames it, the truth is that anyone whose family has just been brutally murdered would be justified in wanting to take up arms against the offending army. In fact if you compare the motives of young American soldiers trained to reign down hell and brainwashed into attacking anyone referred to as "enemy" with the motives of a young man turned "insurgent" whose wife and children, brothers, sisters, parents, and grandparents have died in the bombing of a wedding, you have a hard time determining who the "good guys" are. We the people were promised a country without "standing armies" and somehow we ended up with the military/congressional industrial war complex Eisenhower warned us about.
So governments corner the market on war and we're supposed to hate whomever they tell us to, so that we might go against our "good nature" long enough to wish hell, death, and terror on another people. But the war crimes of a government are displayed not just in whom they unjustly attack, but whom they do not justly attack. In this case Israel has met every criteria ever given by our government as just cause for war, and even preemptive war. And yet we have a "special relationship" with Israel and our government is locked into a sugar daddy role with no influence whatsoever. A more colorful analogy would be to paint America as a pimp and Israel as a crack whore, both are sociopathic and do not respond to logic or the sentiment of public opinion. And both seem to be oblivious to the destruction they are causing to themselves and the community they exist in.
I feel very strongly that no peaceful strategy will convince the Israel or American governments to change their minds, goals, or strategies. I also don't feel that violence will achieve that end, but war is looking more and more likely. Israel may be fighting a PR battle right now but they will not have good relations with any country for a long time and may find themselves at war with Turkey (a member of the EU) unless they can strong arm the UN with a little help from their friends in the state department. And now the world finally cannot deny the crime of Israels blockade and occupation of Palestine. But I sincerely hope for the sake of the people of the region (especially the Palestinians) that no violence breaks out on any scale. Unfortunately, Israels' behavior makes that tinder box look like an inevitable catastrophe.
And to speak directly to those defenders of Israel, whether you are cynically aware of Israels crimes or blissfully ignorant and naive. Those peace activists on the boats had very clear intentions and you wish to make them out to be terrorists on a suicide mission against Israel. They were heading for the coast of a sovereign nation which Israel illegally occupies, blockades, and terrorizes daily. They had no weapons but what you might take camping, do you really think that invaders intent on attacking the Israeli military would arm themselves with swiss army knives? And to suggest that their intent was to provoke this kind of reaction simply as a PR stunt for Palestine is absurd. Peaceful people have been demonstrating under threat of death through the ages and justice is ALWAYS on their side.
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