You'll know if it's a real law if you just can't seem to break it.
Justice just is, we don't need to force or fake it.
The wheel invented us, long before we could make it.
What is justice? Ask a hundred different people and you will surely get a hundred different answers. This doesn't mean that justice is an illusion though it may be somewhat elusive. The same could be said for love yet no one is cynical enough to consider this proof that love doesn't exist, in fact love may be the only thing that is real. But these absolute abstractions are not for man to define and no living man can represent them universally to all. Yet we live in a worldly construct of men who claim to be authorities in the realm of justice, man imposing his justice on his fellow man. The practice of law is an arrogant game when it should be at best a humble service equal to the preparation and serving of meals. A judge is no more qualified to speak for justice than a janitor.
Men (and women) of self proclaimed importance seek to guide the hand of justice, but justice does not bend for man, man must let justice guide their hands. Any man who seeks to be an authority of justice on Earth is himself guilty of subverting justice and therefore unjust. For all of the legal design to protect the rights of those who come before the judge, justice is never truly served. From the police man to the judge to the jailer to the executioner, justice is further and further from it's home. The obedience to precedent in court decisions seems to suggest that callous consistency is more important than correcting the mistakes of man made justice. We are told there is an "Arch of justice" and that gradually (over thousands of lifetimes perhaps) we will someday reach "Justice." I do believe that justice is our final destination, but so is it our past, present, and future, it is our here and now.
If we wish to understand justice we should instead call it "Balance", this is a far more accurate and unambiguous term. Not that the same mistakes cannot be made, but that each entity can truly be their own authority, or at least humble observer. Many may be convinced that justice requires years of study at an expensive law school to grasp. But we are all students of balance and as we stand and walk without falling we feel we have a good grasp of this practical phenomena no matter how abstract. Our so-called justice system is often the perpetrator of greater crimes than any one man can achieve, and in many cases actually reverses justice where it exists.
Our correctional facilities are fundamentally incorrect in their design and have a negative effect on the natural order, the natural balance. The duration of time that many people spend incarcerated becomes a crime against that person as their time goes on and on well beyond any notion of correction. If we can see the injustice of the system for what it is then one begins to see uniformed men kidnapping (not arresting) people, robed men condemning (not judging) them, and more uniformed men holding them against their will like slaves, slaves to a corrupt and ultimately flawed institution. Withdrawing any validity from these men and their false institution one begins to see that they are criminals in their word and deed, nothing more than common thieves, kidnappers, and murderers.
The unfortunate reality of man made justice is that it is anything but fair, it is the poor, the minority, the demonized in our culture who suffer the wrath of this institutional weapon. Minorities are arrested in far greater numbers, given far harsher sentences, and fail far more parole hearings than their white counterparts. Even if you believe that man is capable of guiding the hand of justice on Earth, it is hard to disagree that the american justice system is and always has been an overwhelmingly racist apparatus serving the white mans fear and hatred of his darker skinned brothers. Man made justice is out of balance with nature and can never achieve it's stated goals. Instead of removing the volatile elements from our society it gives many of them uniforms and weapons and robes and iron bars, and essentially a license to kill, kidnap, rob and steal. It is somehow better for wild dogs to be leashed and trained to commit crimes on command as the attack dogs of the state.
Justice is far better served when men do nothing, then when men relinquish their power to so-called "authorities."
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