Friday, October 28, 2011

A Plea for Intervention!

"Last month protesters took to the streets across the country to demand their universal rights, and a government that is accountable to them and responsive to their aspirations. And they were met with an iron fist."
~Barack Obama (referring to Muammar Gaddafis suppression of peaceful demonstrations)

Interventionism is not uncommon among nations when witnessing the suppression of the peoples voices under a brutal regime, it's natural to want to intervene on behalf of the people and remove the repressive system. This is well represented in the mission of NATO, an organization that started as a defensive pact among major allies after WWII but has participated in almost exclusively interventionist operations in the last half century. Take Libya for example; the people of Libya had watched their infrastructure and social fabric fall into decay over the last three decades due to the corruption of power and wealth at the very top. The riches of the country had been concentrated into so few hands that the people finally came to a breaking point and there were simply no other options but to go out into the streets in the tens of thousands and make their voices heard. And though they were beaten, arrested, and suppressed, their voices were heard around the world, and powerful organizations responded.

Is there a great power out there that can hear the voice of my people crying out for justice, risking everything to be heard? Is there a higher form of justice, order, authority who can intervene on the vast corruption of the political and economical power structures that exploit my people, suppress our will, and then brutally repress our peaceful demonstration for a redress of our grievances? We have watched our infrastructure and social fabric decay over the last three decades due to the corruption of power and wealth at the very top. The riches of the country have been concentrated into so few hands that the people finally came to a breaking point and there are simply no other options but to go out into the streets in the tens of thousands and make our voices heard. And though we are beaten, arrested, and suppressed, our voices are being heard around the world. Will some powerful organization respond?

Where are those who are supposed to police the police? Why won't our highest law authorities investigate systemic violations of first amendment rights? Where is NATOs NATO? Where is the true moral authority who can wag their finger at Hillary Clinton the way she self righteously chided Muammar Gaddafi? Where is the world leader who has the audacity to tell the American president that he should obey the will of his people or suffer the consequences? Where is the threatening presence of a super power who can force our rogue regime to play by the rules? Even with a constitutional law professor as the president of the united states of america, the constitution is all but meaningless as the president himself openly engages in and endorsed the extra-judicial killings of his own citizens and dozens of others around the world. The rule of law has been irretrievably subverted to the ends of the most powerful people on the planet through the mechanism of the corporate model.

The wealthy effectively own the poor and can have our labor, our property, even seduce our children for whatever price they name. To the wealthiest people of the world, everything and everyone has a price, and money is "no object." Wealth doesn't "Trickle Down," every last dime of it is used to the unfair advantage of the rich over the poor, the masses. While some work 50-60 hours each week and still lose their only home, others work not at all and have several lavish homes and everything they could ever want or need guaranteed to them, for simply being born into the right family. Our current system has devolved back into a feudal system where the few owners of vast wealth and estates are once again our true masters, we serve them for meager reward or oppose them at our own peril. There is little difference now between the "Landlord" in a Capitalist system and the "Lord of the Land" in a feudal system, our modern legal system still uses the word "Peasant" to describe the poor. The feudal system and capitalism have always had one very important common thread: property rights over human rights.

Property rights justified slavery and continue to justify the exploitation of labor and extraction of wealth by those who do no real work in our society. The basic idea of "Capitalism" is that one can use "Capital" (or money) to make more capital; or use money to make money. This very simple concept is always defended though rarely is the basic premise ever questioned: if money is a legal fiction, then why do we accept it as an alternative for labor, and furthermore, why do we value it above labor? Paper money was first issued in ancient Burma and took centuries to build credibility as a viable currency, it's no surprise that people weren't easily convinced that this paper "money" was worth trading away their actual labor, or goods (products of labor.) Today we worship this paper, and though we pretend to value hard work in our society, we deify those who can make it rain cash, even if they've never worked an honest days labor in their life. Though we secretly resent the rich we feel compelled by some invisible force to become their loyal lapdogs when and if we are fortunate enough to get close to them. Money is even considered the most effective sexual turn on, or perhaps "fetish" is more appropriate. Money may not buy love, but it compels some people to sell themselves to the highest bidder as opposed to living a more humble love story.

So who, or what great authority can intervene to save my people, the people of the world, the 99%? I honestly don't care if it's the Judeo-Christian god Jehovah, or Lord Vishnu, or even Lord Xenu, as long as they can restore order to the free market frenzy destroying our planet. But I sincerely hope that the intervention that must take place on behalf of my people, who are crying out for justice around the planet, will take place within each and every one of us, and will change our self destructive designs of hierarchical power to a lateral world of truly equal beings who need not compete with giant political and economic legal fictions like nations and corporations. The change that must occur is in how we view reality, what is truly real, and truly worth saving? We are rapidly waking up from the american dream, or more accurately we are like heroine addicts drying up from our hopeless addictions to the most self deluding drug of all: Money. We the people of the world call upon ourselves and each other to come to our own aid, and to each others defense, and together we will intervene on the inhuman parasitic systems that seek only to dominate and control us, together we will liberate the world!

In case any military super power actually thinks I want a military intervention anywhere, let me be clear: The people of world will shake off ALL forms of oppression.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Providing Jobs in a matter of Hours

The 99% occupation of Wall St. shows us that many people are waking up to the colossal failures of our economic system and the main tenets of "Free Market" Capitalism. Our centralized currencies are not unlike a mono cultured crop, a fragile system vulnerable to any number of threats. Diversity has the strength that mono-cultures lack, because even if one entire crop fails the greater harvest can still succeed. Centralized currencies are literally money-opolies, they are monopolies of money itself, and they must be broken up in a controlled demolition before they bring down the whole system when they fall. But our current government backed currencies can work side by side with alternatives, allowing for a transitional shift to a new system. If any of these suggestions seem too "radical" or "socialist" for you, consider the fact that we have a mixed economy that has for the last half century been systematically stripped of the most important socialist elements that have kept the system functioning for so long, and that now more drastic corrective measures must be taken to have an effective outcome.

Local hours based currencies (Also called Time Based Currency) offer a solution in both the immediate and long term future for the many challenges we now face, and challenges yet to unfold. With a very simple idea local towns and cities can stimulate economic growth in times of national and global economic downturns. Hours based currencies have been around for a while and there are more towns and cities around the world adopting them every year. Cities like Ithaca, New York and Madison, Wisconsin are the largest hours based currency systems in the united states and have been operating successfully for decades. So there are already a variety of models that can be studied and implemented based on the characteristics of your local economy. Here are some ideas, some of which are already a part of these models, and some are suggestions on how to expand an hours based economy beyond current models so that they can take the wheel when our national currencies are too punch drunk to drive.

Hours are issued through a collectively owned and operated 'Hours Bank' or 'Hours Collective' and decisions are made by members of the collective in transparent, democratic forums. The current model is one that must function in the context of our federal laws and with the dominant federal currency, therefore these collectives must charge membership fees to cover the costs of the operation. This sets a slight disadvantage on the psychological front when people ask why they must pay federal dollars to take part in a alternative currency. One of the problems with federal currency and it's 'get rich quick' pyramid scheme design is that it breeds skepticism over any and every exchange where dollars are involved. The current Hours based currency model is also limited to service and labor due to existing federal law stating that alternative currencies given a dollar value are then taxable as dollars by the federal government. These flaws in the current models are temporarily imposed by the federal government whose main players profit from it's long standing monopoly. Hours can easily integrate commodities and cover all costs once these false barriers are lifted, the flaws are in the laws.

So how can we make Hours work in our current legal system? Our existing democratic institutions can work in concert with this system in a few key ways: Local City/Town councils can endorse/promote the establishment of an independent Hours collective to help lend the fledgling currency legitimacy (a concern for all new forms of currency since the dawn of paper money) and encourage local businesses to accept it. In return the council can commission the Hours Bank to issue Hours as compensation for labor invested into public works and projects. Building and maintaining public infrastructure can be fully or partially funded with hours based currency, enabling projects previously lacking funds to go forward. Hours can exist simultaneously with national currencies, but are not adversely affected when large fluctuations or crashes in the national currency occurs. In fact, this is precisely why these local hours based currencies are required, so we can continue basic trade in the event of a total collapse of interdependent centralized currencies. Hours can work in two ways: they are issued to the workers of public projects, cooperatives, and collectives as compensation for hours worked. Then, once Hours are in circulation they stimulate the local economy and help anchor the poor and middle class in hard economic times.

Hours collectives can function as a socialist mirror to the banks in a capitalist system. Whereas Banks loan funds to private entities to create private wealth, Hours collectives can actually pay the labor cost of a collectively owned and operated organization. In an hours based economy hours don't represent some arbitrary value system, or even a far away piece of gold, hours represent your work. And as you work, you earn the work of others and the products they produce which you redeem with your Hours based currency. But the first generation Hours issued directly from the collective come from no fund, but the raw renewable resource of human labor. Instead of capitalizing that resource for the gain of the few, these hours are invested in public, lateral, democratic institutions. The Hours collective is simply one collective among many, whose paid staff earn no more than the hours for the time they worked. But they enable the sprouting of many new collectively owned businesses that can provide more than just jobs, but secure living wages.

Imagine waking up in 10 years to a world with no unemployment, with a thriving market and strong infrastructure. Imagine a world where the gap between the rich and the poor is all but vanished as we embrace that old work ethic that tells us that if we want more we can simply work harder. Imagine having everything you need to start a new enterprise, as long as you can do so in the collective format equally sharing the profits, costs, and goals and visions with all those who work their fair share. Imagine a world where people no longer think in terms of owners and workers, or use the rhetoric of our outdated class war.  A world where one must earn what they own, where the tyranny of inherited wealth no longer tilts the tables of equality. Imagine a world built by the people, with their hard work as the capital invested in the commons. A world that we the people actually own, with local shops and industries that we provide for as they provide for us. It's time for 'We the people' to take charge of our own welfare, to create a world of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Here's an interesting idea from England that takes a different approach, but the current systems work basically the same way in the US. I believe currencies should be locally issued by collective hours banks in autonomous city-states, and globally compatible: One hour of human labor being universally equal. This video is a nationalist, centralist model to which I am opposed, though it would be a step in the right direction and they make their case very clear.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Globalize Democracy/Localize Government!

We the people of the world will fundamentally change our global system to embrace the collective ideals of Justice, Liberty, Freedom for all people around the world equally, no exceptions. All animals, habitats, ecosystems, and of course the entire planetary ecosystem are all equal in this global system, with equal rights to a healthy existence. Those rights that we enjoy as Americans are the minimum standard of what we as humans will have universally, no exceptions. Human rightsdemocracyequality, are what MUST be globalized, because in small pockets they are used as tools of hegemony, empires who rule by double standards for justice, rights, and democracy. Until democracy is universal it is undemocratic, until justice is universal it is unjust, until equality is universal it is unequal, until rights are universal they are still wrongs. As the 99% we welcome the 1% to willingly make the required sacrifice, to overpay the overdue dues, that we all know will make this planet more equitable, more sustainable, more adaptable and flexible for the changes that are happening.

It's beyond difficult for most americans to imagine a radically different world power structure, one that effectively eliminated any group, organization, corporation, or even government from becoming too big to fail. Can we imagine a world without super powers? Or a world where the people are the super power? Well, we live in that world today, we the people of the planet, along with the Earth and all of the natural world, are the only real super power. Our nations and corporations are "legal fictions," they are products of our imaginations and only exist on paper. These false entities are struggling for survival in a world that is quickly awakening to the fallacy that has sustained them, but many are still hesitant because they are unsure of what awaits them if we change. How can we change the world for the better without just resetting the same game to take place all over again with different players or the same players gaming the system? We've been playing Money-opoly for too long, we need to change the game.

Every nook and cranny of our world can be self governed on the smallest possible scale, and yet partake in various levels of democracy ranging from local to global. Each local governing body can enjoy autonomy under the agreement of adherence to a set of global treatise not unlike our current international laws. In a true global democracy, "one person, one vote" extends to every human being across the entire planet. Unlike our current international laws and treaties, each individual on the planet actually has a vote for or against these global policies, and their own ideas can be brought to the table without needless association with a group, organization, or political party. The same way that we vote for city, county, and state policies through measures, propositions, and special elections, we can vote for global policies. Open source governance can replace career politicians and patriarchal "executive" figure heads by putting the choice and the necessary information in the hands of the people. There is no need for a global government modeled after our current federal government or the UN, functions at the regional and global levels become little more than that of the election volunteers on the county level.

Instead of having various levels of governance, each town and city will have open councils in person and/or online that handle the everyday affairs of the city. An example of how an online forum overlaps with a physical event, live stream video combined with live stream chats allow the people attending meetings to draw from the ideas and information that others are sending in real time. Instead of counties, we will have resource shed councils, like water sheds, and food sheds, where towns/cities in the same water shed for example have shared stewardship of that resources. The goal (perhaps part of the global treatise) would be for each watershed to become self sustainable so no town or city would carelessly grow beyond it's capacity to sustain itself with water and other basic resources. Beyond these resource-shed councils there would be only the infrastructure and apparatus of democracy, no executive figure heads who rule over many cities and towns like we know today. When we have issues that govern global policies, we all have a say, and possibly a hand in drafting them and eventually voting for them, one person, one vote world wide, no exceptions.

Only issues of global importance and significance are globally decided, the rest will happen at the local levels. Examples of global issues are: democracy, human/animal rights, civil liberties, equality, economic justice, environmental sustainability, regional and global trade and resource sustainability, and war crimes. Direct democracy on a global level is perhaps the only way to avoid the usual fear of world government, the only ones who should fear direct democracy are those who want an unfair hierarchical system with themselves on top and the rest of us on bottom. Those of us who are tired of being on bottom are the 99% and we are ready to create a lateral world. We have for too long globalized the most inequitable systems while limiting democracy and human rights to small groups and regions. We who occupy our little corners of the planet, also occupy the planet as a whole, together. We are beginning to see a 'We the people' who are no less than the global population, each deserving of the same rights, the same voting power. We the people of the world, will form a more perfect union, of real entities, not false idols, a union of people, planet, and ecosystem.

Occupy Earth!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

wRONg PAULitics! ...why Ron Paul is not the 99%

One of the great things about the 99% is that it's so inclusive, all individuals are truly welcome and can have their voices heard. But aside from the 1% there are a few other considerations for those who are thinking, and acting in radically democratic ways. For example, it's not cool to come to rallies and marches drunk, high, or in possession of recreational drugs or alcohol. It would be TOTALLY inappropriate to speak at a rally or use the peoples microphone for racist hate speech, MEL GIBSON! And of course it would be downright douche-y to endorse your company or product while addressing an occupy crowd. What has been a source of confusion and contention is the political activity of campaigners, or those who endorse a specific candidate and/or agenda and effectively represent that group and it's strategy. They do not come to the events and cyber hubs of the occupy movement as individuals, but as representatives of that group and/or agenda, often with the only goal of recruiting people to their more limited causes and remedies.

Of these groups one stands above them all in their concerted effort to corral the 99% into their ranks to adopt their agenda and strategy, and that group is made up of Ron Paul supporters who effectively campaign on his behalf. This may have had something to do with the deadline for GOP registration being October 14, of course the Paul campaign wants as many people registered GOP as possible so his odds of winning the Republican nomination increase. There's nothing new about this, and if there's anything "wrong" with it, it's that it's business as usual politics. In fact, Ron Paul has for years been recruiting those on the left whom he can convince that his agenda is also their agenda, based on a few overlapping issues. Those issues are primarily the ongoing wars and military bases around the globe, abolishing corporate person-hood, and the goal to end the Federal Reserve banking Money-opoly. And those ideas are already a BIG part of the 99% agenda, so of course anyone can come discuss those issues and bring any idea to the table. But why should those ideas be called Ron Pauls' ideas?

I have attempted to engage in dialog with many of the people who leave Ron Paul links on Occupy Facebook pages, or bring Ron Paul campaign signs to 99% events, and it always goes the same. They tell me that Ron Paul wants what I want, that he has been "fighting the good fight" for decades, and that he is all about "Freedom" and "Liberty." And when I try to tell them that I don't want everything Paul wants, and that I have different ideas about "Freedom" and "Liberty" they go into straw man mode, accusing me of advocating things I never even eluded to. As if I can only TOTALLY agree with Ron Paul, or TOTALLY disagree with him on each and every issue, you're with him or against him. But I believe the majority on the left simply see right through Ron Pauls' gratuitous rhetoric about war, the issue that made him popular on the left during the Bush years when we needed allies on the right to oppose war. And he makes a lot of sense when he talks about the crimes of our nation, not because he's so smart or such a great guy but simply because he's talking about it at all.

So he has some good ideas, so do I, and so do the 99%. So he can tell us that our wars and military policy are wrong, we knew that already no matter how refreshing it is to hear in a republican primary debate. So he has been a life long champion of the cause to end the Federal Reserve, no offense, but so have a lot of us and altogether none of us have achieved this goal thus far through the normal channels of "democracy." So you might think that Ron Paul and his supporters would be overwhelmed with joy knowing they have common goals with the 99%? But their greater goal is to elect Ron Paul for president, and they only see these common goals as opportunities to bring more voters into their fold. So when we talk to them the conversation always short circuits back to Ron Paul, and the strategy is limited to voting for him, a political dead end. Let's face it, Ron Paul will never be the president of the United States, just as Ralph Nader will never be the president, and I knew that when I voted for him. But Ron Paul supporters don't seem to know this, they actually think Paul could win the popular vote, if only the corrupt system would let him.

So their goal is for us to register as GOP voters, and vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. Then IF he wins the primary, vote for him for president, then IF he wins the presidency he will end the wars and end the Fed. Hooray! But wait, what else will he do? He won't bring us universal health care, he claims that's socialism and socialism doesn't work. He may or may not deal with Wall St. beyond breaking up the Fed, but he is 100% for "Free Market Capitalism" which is conservative code for "Unfettered capitalism" which could also be called "Ungoverned Capitalism". Why would you want to remove the rule of law from the market place, isn't that called anarchy? If we apply the "Unfettered" concept to criminal law it would be the law of the jungle, when we apply the same concept to the military we get martial law, why would we want such a savage economic system? I don't hear the wealthy saying we need to remove murder barriers, why remove trade barriers? Ron Paul supporters would dismiss us as mistaking capitalism for "corporatism", I think we know the difference. But they don't seem to understand the difference between "Free Trade" (an oxymoron) and "Fair Trade" a level playing field in which they might actually fail.

I don't need to tackle his whole agenda before I decide whether Ron Paul qualifies to "represent" me, and I know the difference between people joining the discussion as campaigners as oppose to individuals. We are all the 99% as individuals, not as representatives of groups, politicians, corporations, etc. This is not a "rule" and there is no "forcing" people one way or the other. But I know that if I brought my pop up tent and folding table and started selling my wares at an occupy event that I would not be the 99%, I would be selfishly exploiting the opportunity for my short term economic gain. I don't want to see political canvassing, tabling, or campaigning in the occupy movement anymore than I want to see Fedex style product placement from corporations. I don't want to see political parties recruiting voters any more than I want to see the branches of the military recruiting soldiers among the discontent, despondent youth in the movement. I sincerely have no problem with Ron Paul or his supporters, but as a group, as a campaign, as a unified front with a singular goal, I'd rather they not try to co-opt this movement to their own ends. It's hard to discuss alternatives to our current system when people are trying to convince you to give it another shot.

We are all the 99% as individuals, so please check your Ron Paulitics at the door.

Here is an example of guidelines established for Occupy Wall St. forums, in this case the Global Revolution live stream chat, which has hosted one of the most vibrant and rapid interactions of any online forum:

"We are here for one purpose support the OWS and new occupations..
we do not discuss politics...political candidates...religion...or any other isms..
this is because those topics...bring division and conflict ...and we will not be distracted
if you want to talk about money...or the fed..or the wars...or taxes.. there are other places to do that ..
we have been using these rules for 30 days now... and the make this a safe productive space..
we do not bash anyone...
no racsim...sexism...or any other bigetry is allowed..
HATE, VIOLENCE and ILLEGAL ACTS or DRUGS  talk...will get you a perma ban ..
we ask for mutual respect and focus :)
we love and thank every one of you!
when we is not is just keeping things on track..
please only share related links...
no personal promotion is allowed...
there are fake donation be careful :)
please dont spam... it makes it too fast.."

~Global Revolution live stream chat admins.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Radical Proposal for a Rational World

The cry has gone out across the country, as it reverberates around the world, there is a revolution on the rise and the buzz is undeniable. As many have been witnessing the destruction of our democracy, our infrastructure, and our planet, it has finally come to the breaking point. While many in the US media have been wondering "What's everyone so upset about?", the rest of the world is wondering "What took you so long?" Those of us in the US are just a fraction of the true 99%, but we have a special responsibility to change our system enough that it ceases to manipulate the rest of the world. The 99% are global, whether they realize it yet or not, if we don't seize the moment to make a world of true global equality, we have failed the greater achievement. Now is the time for a dialogue about what steps can be made towards a better world, as well as making radical revisions of a global society without compromise. Those with ideas must come forward now because the whole world is watching, and listening, and we have got plenty to say. Occupy Earth!

So here is my wish list of demands, each one a link to a previous post elaborating or including the idea.

We need to do democracy right!

We need to do money right!
  • Tear down this Wall St! We're tired of playing Moneyopoly, can we play something else now? The Free Market has spoken, now it's our turn. See Also: Money-opoly
  • Boycott Money! It's time we listened to our wisest fore-fathers who repeatedly warned us about big, centralized, banking institutions. Money IS a monopoly! Alternative and local currencies are the solution! See Also: Providing Jobs in a Matter of Hours
  • No More Super Rich! That's right, I didn't say "No more tax cuts for the rich" We need to recapitulate (and cap) wealth in the world to limit income disparities as FDR suggested in his proposed "Economic Bill of Rights." See Also:  World Wide Strike, Moneyopoly, and The True Sleeping Giant; and from my other blog 'Pagan Jesus Freak' Two Golden Rules, and Grief and Joy
  • Everyone gets a Home! Millions of people are being thrown from there homes by the banks who took our tax money! Everyone deserves a home, JUST ONE!!! For those of you who shrill at the notion of being limited to just one house, please juxtapose that scenario with the millions of people who are losing their ONLY home, some even now as you read this.

We need to do "Rights" right!

We need to wake up from the American dream!

These are just some ideas I've been working on much of my life and I've been publishing them in recent years in anticipation of the right movement. This is that movement, I don't claim to have the message for the entire 99%, but if we do not all contribute our pieces of the puzzle we will never get to see the bigger picture. The media is asking for a message, we know there is a message and they just don't want to hear it. But that's why we need to spell it out for them, literally. We need to discuss our deepest visions for a better world and we better get it on right away. The mainstream media may not listen but a lot of people are listening, and talking, and it's time we have that discussion. So, have ya heard about these Occupy Wall St. people?