Saturday, March 26, 2011

Open Source Government

From Wikipedia:
"Open source governance is a political philosophy which advocates the application of the philosophies of the open source and open content movements to democratic principles in order to enable any interested citizen to add to the creation of policy, as with a wiki document. Legislation is democratically opened to the general citizenry in this way, allowing policy development to benefit from the collected wisdom of the people as a whole."

For those of you who have not heard the term "Open Source" or never really understood what it meant, it is well described by Wikipedia is also a good example of an open source system, anyone can access and/or add to the content, disagree with or correct errors. At first it seemed too vulnerable to manipulation, if someone can simply change the facts they don't agree with the whole reference system may break down into chaos. But that didn't happen. Will you find inaccuracies and biased content? Sure, but you and millions of other people will be there to correct it, so the long term consistency is much more true to reality. When I look through an old dictionary, or encyclopedia I get frustrated when I see old, outdated information that has obvious biased, sometimes even lending to or undermining the validity of certain ideas and agendas. There's nothing we the people can do to change that, those old books are almost fascist in their final judgement, the dictionary is the dictator of language. Open source returns power back to the people.

Open source governance is also well described on Wikipedia, but you could think of it as Wikigovernment. Nothing could be more democratic than to give everyone administrative powers with zero compensation. The way our governments are now structured a great deal of power is in the hands of the covert players in the secret core of influence and espionage, we'll never know just how much power as long as they operate behind this veil. Americas' idealistic beginnings gave promise of a right to privacy and an open form of government, opaque people and transparent state. In our modern world of electronic communications our governments (with the help of the communications corporations) can, and often do access our private information. Before the turn of the century the idea of the government listening in on our phone conversations seemed unlikely and yet very draconian if it were true. We never knew for sure, but now we know that we're being spied on for a fact, and by act of congress. Somehow that american promise went from "opaque people/transparent state" to "opaque state/transparent people.

Why should we have such unrestrained access to government policy? Corporations do. What is referred to as "lobbying" in Washington DC, is a process of accessing and manipulating policy. Anyone (in theory) is allowed to walk up to a congress member and express his or her ideas and opinions, so when's the last time you flew to DC to make sure your voice was being heard? You can call your representatives, just a few, and they may even make a sticky note just for you, but they have a lot of sticky notes and they don't work a lot of over time. Either way, it effectively acts as a filtration system, creating unnecessary barriers for the average person to present a new idea, or challenge an outdated one. There are many non-profit organizations who use their influence to lobby for some of these changes, but they also act as a layer of this filtration system because the average person has no influence over their agendas either. Why must we join together in groups to express ourselves in mutual consensus? Are we somehow less valid as unique individuals? Shouldn't the merit of a single idea, be able to attract those who can appreciate it, without a context associating it with a group or agenda?

A little over a year ago the supreme court decided in the citizens united case that corporations are "people" with all of the rights of people, they can't vote but if you had the money would you rather vote for a candidate, or fund their campaign? Corporations now have the "right" to do just that, they already have their corporate puppets sitting in the peoples' seats of power all over the country. And no surprise they're attacking the unions, the only thorn left in their side. Of course corporations aren't "people", they can't be arrested and put in jail, and they've tinkered with the legal system making it harder to sue them for compensation when they cause negligent harm. They can cheat on their taxes and still walk away with multi-million dollar bonuses. If they were "people" they would walk as giants among us, with super human strength and no natural predators. We are mere ants under their feet, we merely bother them with our cries for justice, peace, and true equality. We as individuals and even in large groups have little hope of countering the agendas' of this league of super people. Many of us real people have awakened from the american dream and it's getting harder and harder to deny the corporate coup d'etat that has claimed the power we the people are not using.

Imagine the majority of people who disagree with the citizens united ruling actually being able to access that decision and cite it's many flaws and over time with majority consensus overturn this obvious giveaway of our democracy. Perhaps you prefer the odds you have now to change this legislation, if you believe it can be done through the same system that implemented and enforced it, by all means prove it. But I'd prefer we the people all have a hand on the wheel, even if it's a struggle to guide the ship of state, at least we know that no one giant has it's finger on the scale. There is no need for politicians, there's really no need for nations or corporations. We the people can be the government we wish to create, and a true pursuit of democracy will lead us to this more perfect form of government. But we must put down the american dream, the attachment to patriarchal idolatry, the need to have a big father figure directing us from above. Democracy is not hierarchal but lateral, this is expressly implied by the concept of "one person, one vote". But in a world where our votes are undermined and channeled through a few non-choices, the time has come to upgrade democracy to be more modern, more responsive, more true.

We the people are ready to govern, do it yourself politics!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The True Sleeping Giant

The alarm is ringing and ringing, will it wake the sleeping giant? It's true that we in the bubble of america have been living in a dream, the american dream. And like most dreams, it quickly becomes a nightmare when we refuse to wake up. Our american dream has always been the nightmare of the rest of the planet, including most of the united states. But the sleeping giant that is now awakening is not the american middle class, or even the american worker, it's the workers of the world. If we keep isolating humans with the false walls of nationalism we will fail to realize the true potential for this moment in time. What is happening in Wisconsin has spilled over into almost every neighboring state and no person can deny the spirit that binds our mid west uprisings with the north african uprisings.

Some are saying the sleeping giant of the american middle class is awakening. It's absolutely crucial at this time that we drop this reference to the american middle class, this is not about any middle class. This is about the workers of the world rising up to throw off their corporate masters, to flush out the parasites of capitalism across the planet. I know that the phrase "middle class" has a powerful effect in our political rhetoric, but it's used as a distraction from a far more realistic model. We hear the phrase "middle class" so much, especially during election seasons, but when do we hear the phrase "lower class" or "upper class"? These phrases have a powerful effect in our rhetoric also, a very different kind of effect. If you just dropped down to earth in the middle of the last election season you might think there were no upper or lower classes, just one big middle class. And it sounds like a world without much conflict doesn't it? We're all just one big happy class.

Do I want to create division where none exists? No. Do I want to create unity where none exists?Hell Yes! Many people who lived their whole lives thinking they were a part of this big middle class have found that in fact, they are poor and they can no longer deny it. Usually when you hear the phrase "middle class" it is a call for them to be treated fairly in our state and local budgets, and not get stuck with the bill when the super rich cause a deficit. You might think it's a given that the poor are a part of this calculation, that of course they too should be treated fairly, but they are not. In fact, politicians aren't really that concerned about the poor, it's the middle class that they're sometimes looking out for. And if you want to be specific, and/or partisan, it's the Democrats who try to look out for the middle class and sometimes the poor and the republicans who look out for the super rich. But democrats are afraid to mention poverty because the republicans (on behalf of the rich and mostly via fox news) start screaming "Socialism!", "Entitlement!", "Distribution of wealth!!!"

But where is it written that a class system has three tiers? You could just as easily cut it in half and call it upper and lower, but it would be far better if we made a less arbitrary line. There are only two classes in reality: Workers and Owners. Unlike the caste system one can change classes but this is the exception, called "new money" among the upper class. Most workers admit that if they suddenly struck it filthy rich they would never work another day in their life, would you? I love my work, but... I might focus on my labors of love, like writing and playing music, but I wouldn't be as motivated to do what I now do to pay the bills. On the flip side, if I grew up in the top 10%, the creme of the american crop, I might take some symbolic positions to look like a functional part of society, but executive jobs are not "work" the way the average american defines it. You won't find an executive office in a corporate headquarters anywhere in the country without office chairs that cost over $1000, have you ever sat in a $1000 office chair? It's tough work, if you can get it.

I dream of a future where former corporate executives and board members have to lie and say they worked in the mail room at Goldman Sachs just to get a little respect. And another future is possible if the workers of the world unite, we can throw off those who drain us and keep us weak and divided. We must unite across all borders and not fall into the trap of nationalism. We must form universal bonds of solidarity and be prepared to stand with workers everywhere against the unjust men and laws that bind them. If we are to wake up to anything, it should be a world united as one, with equal rights and equal democracy for all people. Americans are not better, or special, in fact america is the dream, and it's over. There never was a thing called america, it was all just maps and banners, paper and ink. Nobody ever dug out the earth with a giant american shaped cookie cutter and said, "here's america." It's all in our minds, there are no lines on the planet, just rivers and mountains and oceans and deserts, and people, plants, animals, etc...

Think about it, the upper class has horded so much wealth, that a true redistribution of wealth could potentially wipe out poverty all over the planet.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I truly feel sorry for any anti-union right wing republican who stumbles upon this post looking for support, though for those of you who do, this may make you re-think your support for governor Walkers tactics. Because they are backfiring big time. The nature of politics is a push pull game in every direction, if you cannot foresee the results of your actions you may act boldly and aggressively pursue your agenda against the will of the majority of parties involved. Scott Walker did not get elected to office in the same way americans have elected their leaders over the course of american history. Our democracy has changed only slightly over the centuries to allow for more participants, and still not all americans are eligible to vote. But the recent changes in campaign finance regulations (or deregulations) are the final move in this long drawn out corporate coup to control Americo©

Scott Walker was bought and paid for by the multi-billionaire Koch Bros and from his first day in office it was clear exactly whose agenda was being implemented, Koch Industries© Scott Walker will prove to be very much like George W. Bush, 10% politician 90% puppet. As a result he doesn't understand or care about the delicate balance that is democracy, he only knows who pays him, and what for. He has a job to do, and when he's done, he has a job with Koch Industries© Not a real job of course, he'll be a "consultant" and get paid millions for sitting at home and making an occasional phone call or "business trip". Essentially, he'll be (or is) a corporate agent, not unlike a CIA agent, constantly on missions to defend or extend the empire. This is what we call the "revolving door" between politics and corporations, many of our politicians are "incorporated" into this process so that the line between the corporations and the bodies elected to regulate them has vanished completely.

The problem with this kind of chutzpah, is that it's actually pretty naive. We've been watching the corporate takeover of the planet unfold for many, many years and it's often compared to boiling frogs very slowly so that they don't realize what's happening until it's too late. But the Koch Bros aren't satisfied with a snails pace to progress, they've decided to kick it up a notch, accelerate the process, and who knows, maybe they know something we don't. But I know something they don't know, we the people are the greatest super power in the world. Our only problem is complacency, we're content to watch the world fall apart through a TV screen as long as disaster hasn't come knocking on our door,... yet. But the Koch Bros and their boy Scott Walker have ripped the mask off of the class war and the whole world is watching. Now there are about a dozen Tea Bag republican governors who are doing the same and more to destroy the unions on behalf of the corporations. And the people are beginning to rise up, I say beginning because I know how long this battle will go on.

In trying to destroy the unions with such callous brutality, Scott Walker and the rest of the Koch whores in office have created a vivid revival of the union movement and solidarity among the workers of the world. I for one would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Mr. Walker and the Koch Brothers, THANK YOU!!!!! I'm also happy that they have taken the corruption of government and our electoral process to exciting new heights, because it is more important than you may think to shake the peoples faith in their governments. Now that the frogs can see we are boiling, we can begin to take the steps that can and will bring us the change we can believe in, sorry Obama, it's our turn. Even as we are seeing heroes and heroines emerge from the Wisconsin democrats, I urge you to withdraw your support from the electoral system, republicans and democrats. In fact, if you really want to see the end to this insatiable and unsustainable capitalist machine, vote republican. Especially if it's Palin 2012, you better believe that would unite the majority (workers) against the ruling class in a hurry. And it would set the stage for the Global Uprising that can and will take place.

It cannot be more crucial that we think outside of the box of nationalism, that we use this moment in time to unite the workers of the world to fight for equal rights, human rights, for all people of the world, everywhere, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, etc. Equal rights are not equal until they are universal, and until democracy is global it exists in name only. We have been taught the lessons and it's time to implement them, we know the workers have the most power with their hands in their pockets, thank you Utah Phillips! And we know that the workers of the world can unite, we have nothing to lose but our chains, thank you Karl Marx! I know, "Marx" is a bad word in america, but why? Most people in america have never read a single word he wrote so they rely on what they have heard, and if you listen to the main stream media you've only hear "Marx=evil" and "Socialism=bad". And this is the real reason the unions must go, without the unions carefully explaining to the american worker the dynamics between their bosses and their politicians most of the poor working class are vulnerable to this kind of propaganda.

This election season, VOTE GLOBAL UPRISING 2012!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

False American Idol

I'm not one to quote biblical passages, old or new testaments. But there is something significant in the concept of idolatry, the worship of objects or ideas. Obviously one can debate the definition of "worship" until Jesus and the cows come home, but if we have a modern equivalent of "worship" it certainly describes the way most people feel about money. We live in a world overflowing with real, tangible things that deserve our respect, appreciation, and perhaps a bit of the worship we give to our money. Unfortunately, the world we live in is also littered with false things, concepts, ideas that exist only on paper and in the minds of men and women. And it's these things we tend to give our full respect, even to the level of worship.

So what's "real" and what's "false?" Well, people are real, the planet is real, mountains, rivers, forests are all very real, even towns and cities are real tangible things with naturally defined boundaries. What's false? A mortgage is false, corporations are false, and most importantly nations and governments are false. These are ideas, and not very good ones, they only exist in our minds, not unlike a spell of magic. We don't see nations, we see flags, we see politicians, we see maps with lines, colors, and words superimposed over the continents. But nations simply do not exist, they are false idols not worthy of our respect, appreciation, and especially worship. And what is "patriotism" if not political worship?

Nations follow the blueprint of kingdoms and empires, an open ended format allowing for constant conquest. Kings, emperors, presidents, and prime ministers all see the world in the same way, it's all there for the taking. They collect cities, towns, and villages the same way a child collects baseball cards, they care less for the quality of each town than they do for the quantity of towns. Though each town and city in the collection is very real, the collection is conceptual, temporal, false. The cities of the ancient kingdoms of Europe are still there, still thriving, hustling, and bustling with people, real people in real cities. But the kingdoms have all but vanished, their banners and contracts hang on walls in museums as proof that people once worshiped them as we do our nations today.

America is different you say? It's not a kingdom or an empire like those old outdated forms of government? Wrong, it's far more the same than different, and equally false and temporal. One day people will look back on America as we do on the Roman and British empires and wonder why so many people allowed themselves to be brainwashed into acceptance and complacence. Wonder how we could allow a handful of people to become more rich and powerful than the rest of the population combined. They won't feel any sense of obligatory affection for these lifeless banners, these lying politicians, this heartless war machine. In contrast, as I write this I am committing an act of treason, to advocate for the ultimate destruction and failure of the United States of America, which I do on a near constant basis. This is proof that America is a false idol, as insecurity is a constant state for all false entities, they are never safe from reality which is perpetually undermining falsehoods.

It doesn't please me to speak this obvious truth, we still live in the age of false idols and as we speak people are killing and dying in their names. These false idols are only as powerful as we collectively believe they are and unfortunately that is an awesome power and it's doing far more harm than any imagined good we can attribute to them. But all of those great things people thank their governments for are not the deeds of nations, but people, nations can do nothing for you, they are just ghosts in our imaginations. In fact, you can't spell "imagination" without "nation", perhaps we should all pledge our allegiances to the imagination, a far more real thing than anything that comes from it. And you can't really remove "patriarchy" from "patriotism", yet another overt subordination of the feminine. When you wake up from the american dream and realize the american nightmare something very real begins to emerge, the planet. It's time to drop our mindless patriotism for this false american idol and become devoted to reality, to Earth!

Our Mother Earth is waiting for us all to wake up from this spell of patriotism and become Matriots: those who put the reality of Earth above all false idols.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Musical Uprising

Artist: Jasirix/ produced by Cynik Lethal and directed by Paradise Gray

This is not one of my usual posts in essay format but my attempt to make this video viral as rapidly as possible. This pro-worker hip-hop masterpiece was filmed live on location at various rallies in Madison, Wisconsin over the past weeks as the state workers unions and their many supporters are fighting for their rights to collective bargaining. Asking unions to give up their collective bargaining rights is like asking corporations to give up their limited liability status, though that would be a good idea. I'm keeping this brief so please repost this, we are the Global Uprising we have been waiting for!

Scott Walker works for multi billionaires
John Boehner works for multi billionaires
while corporations get billions in welfare
and millions in this country been out of work for years

Sarah Palin works for multi billionaires
American workers vs multi billionaires
they wanna end social security and medicare
while millions in this country don't have a dime to spare

Can main street get a bailout
Tell the president our checks weren't mailed out
Tell the house of representatives and senate
And whatever business got the stimulus and spent it
Now they getting record profit that's tripling with no limits
But they cutting jobs and unemployment benefits have ended
How we gone live with no income coming in
And the little help we get is cut from the budget then
What's the role of government
Do workers stand a chance if multi billionaires are running it
Oh now you worried bout the deficit and cutting it
But when them banks needed billions you had enough for them.
Them car companies you had bucks for them
2 wars rebuilding 2 countries guess we stuck with them
the average citizen just ain't lucky then
cause we be getting pimped so I guess we getting fucked again

Rush Limbaugh works for multi billionaires
Bill O'Reilly works for multi billionaires
while corporations get billions in welfare
and millions in this country been out of work for years

Sean Hannity works for multi billionaires
Crazy Glenn Beck works for multi billionaires
they wanna end social security and medicare
while millions in this country don't have a dime to spare

When did the American worker become the enemy
Why is wanting a living wage such a penalty
What happened to justice and liberty
These billionaire haters wanna crush us literally
On the box is Murdoch and his foxes
And if you watch it you might as well be an ostrich
They terrorists cause they hold facts hostage
24 hours straight of we hate what Barack did
If you want to unionize your a communist
But if you buy a congressman they just call you a lobbyist
It's so obvious but here's where the problem is
they act like regular Americans but they sloppy rich
Why you think they wanna cut taxes
cause every single one of them in the higher brackets
This ain't white or black it's class warfare time for action
Just look at wide the gap is

American workers vs multi billionaires
The middle class vs multi billionaires
while corporations get billions in welfare
and millions in this country been out of work for years

Rupert Murdoch is multi billionaires
the Koch brothers are multi Billionaire
they wanna end social security and medicare
while millions in this country don't have a dime to spare


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Trickle Down Reaganomics

I'm always surprised that tax cuts for wealthy corporations and individuals aren't more unpopular than they are, like "uprising" unpopular. But if/when the debate arises in our social and political discourse the ones defending these tax cuts have only one arrow in their quiver: Trickle down economics. The unfortunate reality is that the only thing that seems to trickle down from above is this kind of bull shit. The false premise behind this theory is that wealthy people will spend more of their money if they don't have to pay so much to the IRS. If you replace the word "wealthy" with the word "poor" the statement is demonstrably true. Poor people love to shop, even if it's for basic necessities and not the fun stuff like cars and high def flat screen televisions. Rich people already have everything they need and most of everything they could ever want, but they do want more money even if they'll never feasibly need it.

Most people around the world do not consider their "worth", most people don't even have a savings account. For the upper class of this aristocratic planet there is no end to the status symbols and trophy possessions they can acquire, but with money they actually have a numeric system for their wealth and power. The wealthy want something most people have never dreamed of, they want to be on the Forbes list of the 400 richest people in America. They have a pile of money and they are carefully grooming and growing it, never satisfied with being mere millionaires. There is an art to growing your net worth and a major part of the skill required is eliminating leaks and holes where their money slips away. Money does not trickle down the social ladder, it goes specifically where it is needed to maintain and grow the power of the rich. And the more money they add to their net worth, the less there is in circulation for the people who need it for basic survival.

Of course "trickle down" is meant as a metaphor, nobody actually believes money is a liquid subject to gravity. So let's follow this metaphor to discover (or uncover) the mentality of it. What sorts of life forms live off of the water that trickles down to them? Crustaceans? Rats? Insects? What is America, a castle and most of us live in the dungeon? And where is the money? Shouldn't it just be raining money outside with no obligation, no strings attached? Many people have found similar fault with the word "trickle" but what about the word "down?" Are the rich exposing their true colors by putting themselves above the rest of us? I happen to believe that the rich are beneath the poor, or as Jesus called us: The Meek. And if you rejigger "trickle down economics" it can actually make a lot of sense. Money does trickle down from the workers who actually earn it to the bottom feeders who "own" everything.

Contrary to Orwellian belief, the rich do not have more because they work harder. Those who work the hardest have the least and those who work the least have the most. It's a simple fact that no person can become a millionaire on an hourly wage, a lifetime is not long enough even with double over time. The wealthy are literally (not metaphorically or hyperbolically) parasites on the planetary population of hard working souls, and when a host is asked to live off of what trickles down from a parasite the host is near death. "But wait" you say "The rich are the ones who give us jobs!" The rich do not take their personal wealth and put it into creating jobs, they invest it in limited liability corporations who move jobs overseas to maximize profits. And middle class business owners don't put their private wealth into the payroll system either, they rely almost exclusively on credit from banks to pay workers. The banks took our 700 Billion dollar bailout on the promise that they would use it to extend credit for this purpose, it's too bad we didn't get it in writing.

So how is this connected to our current situation? Well we may be rid of Bush but we still have the Bush tax cuts, the most blatant giveaway to the wealthy in my lifetime. And now we have several states following the union busting class warfare of recently erected governor of Wisconsin, Scott (The Imperial) Walker. Scott Walker walked into a budget due for a surplus and immediately gave corporations over 100 million dollars in tax breaks to encourage them to come to the state. He then demanded the money from workers and pushed for the quick passage of a bill that would take away unions collective bargaining rights effectively destroying the unions. So we may not be hearing about trickle down economics specifically, but we are hearing the part about the wealthy corporations being the giver of jobs, when in fact they take them away at every opportunity. So the supporters of Scott Walker are claiming that the unions are responsible for chasing away the corporations and compelling them to move jobs to China where the people aren't overpaid and under worked.

The wealthy calling the unions over paid and under worked is the height of absurdity, irony, and of course, classic republican hypocrisy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shut Up America!

The people of Libya are fighting for their freedom under a dictator of the last four decades, and just like Tunisia and Egypt they must fight this battle alone. In case the Obama administration (and specifically Hillary Clinton) is not aware of the simple fact that they have zero credibility among the people of the region, I'd like to instruct them now accordingly. Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton: Shut your big mouths, you're not helping! In fact, you can only do harm. Any harsh words you may think you have some authority to dole out to Gaddafi actually justifies his claims that the protests are being fomented by foreign powers. There are people who are being brutally murdered at this very moment because Gaddafi believes (or claims to believe) they are puppets under your influence.

There is nothing more disgusting than to see the parade of US diplomats marching through Egypt claiming to have supported the people against Mubarak. Perhaps the most shameful display comes not surprisingly from John McCain who described the protests sweeping northern Africa as a virus that must be stopped. When he said this people were dying under the corrupt regime of Mubarak and his words lent legitimacy to those who violently opposed the uprising. Of course as a seasoned politician he spoke with no real knowledge of the plight of the Egyptian people, instead he was reacting in a knee jerk fashion from his own views of American foreign policy in the region. And within a week after referring to them as a dangerous virus, he was there in person telling the people of Egypt that he supported their recent uprising.

John McCain saw this as just another platform to grind out the rhetoric that makes him look youthful, he took the opportunity to claim that the peoples' uprising in Egypt was a "repudiation of Al Queda." Whu!? Al Queda!? Was John McCain dozing off for the better part of the last decade? There is absolutely zero evidence of Al Queda presence or activity within the borders of Egypt, nor was there a single link between Bin Laden and Mubarak. In fact, Mubarak was our dictator, our terrorist, our puppet whose tyranny destroyed the lives of millions of Egyptians. If anything, the peoples uprising in Egypt was a repudiation of the US government and their manipulative policies in the region and around the world. I wonder why John McCain would fail to see this simple fact? Could it be because he is perhaps the most imperial republican in his party, whose intent of maintaining American hegemony is rooted in the cold war mentality that he was born into?

What is happening in Libya is notably different from the events that played out in the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings, and it may seem that America could play a positive role if they intervene on behalf of the protesters. But this is the fallacy of good war and it's time we take a good look at history and admit that the truth is always a selfish and petty ploy to extend and maintain Americas' influence and power. If the US cared about saving the lives of thousands of people they could instead save the lives of millions by doing nothing. Any and all military intervention in that region will unfold very much like the Iraq war did. Remember how easy it was going to be to remove Saddam Hussein and bring democracy to Iraq? Strange how it all turned out, who could have foreseen the peoples resentment of the massive US military occupation of their home land?

So once again I address Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton: Shut the hell up and leave those people alone! You can take your wagging finger and chiding tone and go wag it in the mirror at yourselves. You are the shameless dictators of the world and you have no intention of returning power to the people. You work for the corporations and banks who needlessly horde the riches of the world while the people live in desperate poverty. If you want to help people against tyrants why don't you use your power against the big boys on Wall Street? Why don't you get all FDR on the corporate puppets in the republican party? Why not look at the sad and pathetic state of your affairs in your own backyard and do something about it, for a change. I voted for change I can believe in, and what I got was an escalated Class War waged by the rich and powerful, and you Mr. Obama are on the wrong side. But you will soon find that you're own people are uprising and there will be little you can do about it or any other uprising, because you will be down falling.

And good riddance!

I wrote the above post on 3/2/11 when it was still spring in the Arab world. I'm adding this video on 10/24/11 after the assassinations of both Osama BinLaden and most recently Muammar Gaddafi. We also have a little uprising going on here in the US and no surprise, very recent words from Obama and Clinton are drastically, overtly hypocritical. So please watch this video if you feel I was too harsh in my demand that they "Shut up!" and deal with their own affairs. Enjoy American hypocrisy at it's finest!