Many people can justify the assassination of Osama under the eye for an eye system of justice, reasoning that Bin Laden assassinated others so he has received his due. Following this logic, is Obama himself not deserving of assassination? If I'm writing this as intended it should be ringing some alarm bells with the internet surveillance firms contracted by the government to find potential threats. So perhaps I should implicitly state that I do not wish assassination of any president, or anyone else, on the contrary I believe all presidents should be brought to justice in the International Criminal Court. Including, if not especially president Barack Obama for the crime of multiple extra judicial assassinations, someone must stop this serial killer before he strikes again. Noam Chomsky has asked us to imagine Iraqi commandos landing in George W. Bushs' compound, assassinating him, and dumping his body into the Atlantic. This would also be unacceptable, George Bush should be put on trial and convicted of his many crimes against humanity. That Obama quickly ruled out justice for Bush administration criminals makes him an accomplice at best.
I was not a "fan" of Bin Laden, though I believed little of what I have been told about him. I believe he was killed not for his crimes, but for the crimes of the US that he might reveal if captured alive. Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were both extremely valuable witnesses for the trials against Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld that should (but may never) take place. If Hussein was to be executed it should only have taken place after these other trials. And if Obama had dedicated himself to justice for the Bush era crimes, he would be facing a very weakened Republican opposition after many of the crimes and accomplices had been revealed and punished. A true examination of the crimes of Republicans in general would essentially eliminate them from having any further political role in the future. The party that claimed, funded, and supported Bush and his policies should have been treated the same way the Bathists were treated following the fall of Saddam. Or they should at least be treated the same way they treated the Clintons during Whitewater/Lewinsky affairs. Once again, if Osama got what he deserved, why then don't US government officials get what they deserve?
Barack Obama is not completely ignorant of his karmic footprint, he must know that he is still and always will be a target for assassination, it comes with the job after all. And if you believe in a kind of karmic, "comes around goes around" philosophy how can one not simply predict and expect the ultimate outcome to result in the assassination of Barack Obama? And if/when this occurs will anyone say "Hey, he assassinated a lot of people, so he got what was coming to him"? OK, I, and possibly Noam Chomsky will say that, but most people will hold him to an entirely different standard. If Obama were assassinated today people would still have a hard time putting it together, or recognizing the irony. The same news outlets and pundits who have been openly celebrating the assassination of Osama, would declare Obama's assassination to be a tragedy. Those who now look with scorn at anyone who would oppose the assassination of Osama, would look with the same scorn on anyone who would agree with the assassination of Obama. If we the people truly believe in justice, we would all join together to oppose assassination in general.