Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy War Day!

Another Veterans Day has come and gone and for those of us who oppose the war machine it's hard not to notice the almost religious observance most people give to this unholy holiday. I do believe that we should take some time to consider those who have been subjected to the military meat grinder, but not with unquestioning loyalty to the mentality of war and not with callous disregard for crimes against humanity. Just as there is a peoples' history of the United States that tells the awful truth that can change the way we feel about our national birthday, there is also a peoples' history of war that dissolves the illusion created and celebrated each Veterans Day. Most peoples' experience of war is literally channeled through a few news outlets and generally in the terms of those politicians who make war, we rarely hear the other side of the story when those ultra-patriotic moments arise and the call to arms is heard across the land. Would we so willingly march into the meat grinder if we could hear testimonials from hamburger land?

For those on the top, those who plan and execute wars, it serves them well to paint the image of a "universal soldier" in the minds of the people. They want us to have an heroic icon, an empty shell that any eligible American can step into and become. This generic American hero has an equally generic and fabricated American glory story, of killing dozens of enemy units to rescue wounded soldiers from behind enemy lines. Onto this patriotic icon can be projected any suggestive image, mood, or subliminal advertisement for the military industrial complex. This perfect soldier may suffer from a wound, may even die in battle, but never suffers from severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and never comes home to commit spousal abuse or random acts of violence in his community. This hero can even be a heroine, but she doesn't experience sexual harassment, or even rape by her male superiors. Any color of the rainbow can be projected onto this multi-cultural soldier, and maybe soon even those who fly the full rainbow flag, but they never experience the harsh face of discrimination among their fellow heroes and heroines.

This is the perfect imaginary Hero we celebrate on Veterans Day, we don't want all of those real people to confuse the simplicity of the day with their factual accounts of war and the mental wounds that so deeply scar all who experience war first hand, real war veterans. We want those veterans to stand up at the Veterans Hall to be honored, we want them to sit quietly on the Veterans Day parade float like giant cake decorations, but we don't want them to open their mouths and tell us what they saw, what they did. We want them to support their country, support their leaders, support their fellow soldiers, support war in general, and if they just sit their quietly and accept our praises we don't have to find out what they think. We don't want to ask them if they would do it all again because they might say "No way!", they might caution young men and women against enlisting in the military the same way a bad review of a product can make us put our credit cards back in our wallets.

If we allowed real veterans to tell us their stories of war and of coming home from war on Veterans day, it might become the opposite of what it is today: a commercial for the military industrial complex and perhaps the ultimate tool for military recruiters. The great thing about honoring the sacrifices of hypothetical veterans is that there is nothing further called for, nothing else to do but go on with business as usual. Imagine if we were challenged to honor the true voices coming from the veteran community, calling for real changes in the way they are treated before, during, and after war. Imagine if the many veterans peace groups had a platform on that day to discuss the illegality of the missions they have been given, to demand that those war criminals who played so carelessly with their lives be brought to justice. Imagine the nation actually listening to tales of the drafted young men who did not believe in war, especially the war in Vietnam, and many of those who evaded their enlistment and ended up serving in Vietnam anyway, never to return.

Veterans Day is like so many other hallmark holidays where we accept the most superficial definitions of some of lifes' deepest mysteries; as Christmas is to spirituality, as Valentines Day is to love, as Independence Day is to freedom. Many of us experience Veterans Day like a single on Valentines Day, a Jew on Christmas, or an immigrant on the 4th of July; we just cant take part in something we don't believe in. The reality of war is that good people who experience it wish that they never did, and those who like it and would do it all over again may not be such good people. We farm and arm some of the most dangerous elements of human behavior in our youth, seeking out those who can kill with little regard for their targets. Boot camp is more psychological than physical, it is a process of refining the sociopathic potential in its' subjects to respond to trigger words like "enemy" to direct their callous killing instinct. This process in itself is a crime, if you must brainwash young people to do your bidding perhaps it's not worth doing at all.

As for those veterans whose silence is deafening, those who could not undo the brainwashing and took their own lives as a result, these are perhaps the only stories we should tell on Veterans Day. Let us observe this day by educating and informing our youth so that they might be armed with facts in this military recruiting war for their very souls. Teach young boys that fear and hatred are not forms of courage but cowardice, that fighting the urge to fight is the only fight worth winning. There may be some things out there worth fighting for, but they will never come from on high. On the contrary, the only things worth fighting are those self proclaimed super powers who visit death and destruction on so many innocent souls, the Pentagon, and the war industry that booms and busts our collective soul. Bravery will not lead you to pick up a weapon, only fear leads to violence, and hatred is just the fear of admitting fear. Security IS insecurity, the two words are interchangeable, and if we realize this en mass, we can no longer follow the leader who obsesses about security.

Any leader worth following knows that pursuing security makes you look about as noble as a dog chasing his own tail.

This post is dedicated to my father John C. Wood, a drafted Vietnam Veteran who suffers from PTSD, exposure to Agent Orange and other dangerous chemicals. Just another story you won't hear on Veterans Day.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Globalize Democracy!

There are some on the right and far right who believe that the UN should be abolished, they see it as a threat to Americas power. They create a straw man by debating the notion that the UN should be a blueprint for a world government annexing and subordinating the US to outside influences, but who on the left is suggesting this? The ambassador to the UN under George W. Bush, John Bolton was extremely hostile towards the UN and his appointment there was a clear message, you could say that John Bolton was the Bush administrations' middle finger pointed at the rest of the world. In a famous video clip from 1994 he vehemently stated "There is no United Nations. There is an international community, that occasionally can be led by the only real power left in the world, and that's the United States, when it suits our interests, and when we can get others to go along." Revealing his level of vitriol, he went on to say "The United States makes the UN work when it wants it to work, and that is exactly the way it should be because the ONLY question, the only question to the United States is what's in our best interest. And if you don't like that, I'm sorry but that is the facts."

John Boltons' statements were raw and unrefined partly due to the fact that he was speaking at a convention in the 90's and couldn't foresee becoming a YouTube sensation a decade later. He exposes the shocking truth about the United States' manipulation of the UN, that it's nothing more than the toothless tiger that we allow it to be. It's fascinating that John Bolton would not only admit that the United Nations was led by the United States, but he says it as a criticism of the UN as if they want to be puppets of politicians in Washington DC. The right wing should embrace the current model of the UN as a world government, it's completely under the hegemonic control of the US government, and therefore those wealthy and corporate interests who control the US government. The UN is intended to be a democratic system among nations on a global stage, but like our representative democracy this system is ultimately flawed. First, the UN acts as a firewall between actual people and international law/global policy. We the people have no vote on these fundamental policies gone global. Second, the Security Council and it's five permanent members is a "country club" within the the UN that rules over the general assembly and effectively controls the organization.

The UN is flawed in the same way that democracy in the US is flawed, it's completely vulnerable to manipulation by wealthy and powerful, entrenched interests. It is essentially globalized representative government, which is a false form of democracy. Direct democracy is true democracy and there's no reason why we can't have a true democracy on a global scale. We can actually vote for policy, not for people, through ballot measures, initiatives, and propositions. We do it on the city, county, and state levels, why not the national level? And why not global? When we vote we have ballots that combine our local, state, and national elections into one, we could just as easily have an international level to vote on issues of a global scale. If we believe in democracy why do we limit it so? Is it possible that those who seek to cap democracy at some level are those who oppose it's potential? Why not make one person one vote extend to everyone on the planet?

Our system of nations keeps us compartmentalized in chambers, making it difficult for us to compare and contrast our standards of living or quality of democracy. As a result, Americans can demand for themselves freedoms, rights, privileges, that they don't necessarily think other nationalities deserve. When the subjects of torture or immigration are discussed there seem to be many who are appalled that we might give other nationalities the "rights" we enjoy as American citizens, like the "right" to a fair trial, or the "right" to not be tortured. How can we draw a line on any level that allows some people to be tortured, but not other people? The territory we're born in shouldn't matter any more than the color of our skin, we once debated whether black people should have the same rights as white people. We as American citizens somehow have more "rights" than non-American citizens, in a similar way that our white forefathers had more "rights" than their black slaves.

That we openly discuss our need as Americans to have more rights than most other people is simply astonishing. Rights are nothing without equality, if after the 400 year legacy of slavery in North America we can somehow limit that ideal to Americans, we have ultimately failed the greater struggle. Democracy should be the one thing a government can't govern, limit, micro-manage, and ultimately subvert. We the people are deciding nothing of any import in our elections when we vote for one corporate sponsored candidate or another. And we're not allowed to sound off on global policies that matter now (and in the future) more than ever. With a direct democracy gone global we can finally see what democracy looks like, independent, autonomous regions under the umbrella of democratic, international (or global) law. The powers that be (represented well by John Bolton) do not want to see this world of global democracy, they now have enormous power and one person one vote would be a massive downgrade for them.

Until democracy and equality are complete they are mere concepts not yet in practice.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Direct Democracy Now!

Never satisfied with our so-called democracy I'm a tireless advocate of direct democracy, it's the only true democracy and no person should settle for anything less. We all agree with the base premise of democracy, that we all have equal power over our governments with our votes. When we vote for another person to "represent" us in our nations' capitol, we are relinquishing our democratic power to another who simply promises to do good and commit no crime. Unlike laws governing false advertising for commercial products, these individuals make promises they know they never have to keep. But it's a leap in logic to accept that anyone would represent everyone, or everyone of their constituents. In our current system our "representatives" actually represent the more powerful interests and corporate donors with very rare exceptions. The banks, corporations, and other wealthy individuals and organizations have turned the tables on representative democracy, they simply use it as a tool for subverting democracy.

So here we are the day after the 2010 midterm elections, a multi billion dollar game of musical chairs. There's scarcely a single candidate, proposition, initiative, or ballot measure, that was not decided by corporate money. Many politicians who actually did fight for their constituents went down this round and the corporate money is what took them out. And those who won in spite of the corporate money against them were forced to raise their own contributions at an exhausting rate to try and keep up with the bottomless well of money going to mostly republicans and now tea-baggers. This was arguably the most expensive election in world history with a number of wealthy individuals trying to buy their own seats of power with their private wealth, and those people still received corporate money in the millions of dollars.

Politics is always about money, when politicians are not raising funds to keep themselves in power they're the ones who hold the nations purse strings. They really don't have power at all without our tax dollars, all they can do is direct money here and there, fund and defund. They don't do a very good job of directing funds and we the people (whose money they're spending) suffer as a result. When so many things like healthcare and education languish due to lack of funds, how can we justify spending billions upon billions of dollars to decide who gets to go to Washington? There is nothing in the basic premise of democracy that suggests that politicians are required for democracy to function, and in modern times it makes even less sense. The concept of politicians is based in the class system of ancient Rome, it made sense when aristocracy wasn't such a bad word. The idea that the wealthy land owners naturally had more rights to power is entrenched in our own democracy with the wealthy house of senators and it's subordinate house of common representatives.

Propositions, initiatives, and ballot measures are a form of direct democracy though there are some design flaws in their implementation. But it is possible to design a true democratic system that allowed for every political issue to be decided by a majority of people instead of "representatives" or "politicians." Those who debate this usually cite the time, energy, and intelligence required to process this information, often saying that the greater population is just too dumb to deal with the heavy responsibility. Some fear that we the people in an uninformed moment might make a collective wrong turn, as if politicians are somehow safe drivers of our government and never steer us wrong. If we can train teenagers to drive on our freeways despite their IQ, we can train those same young people to read a ballot and check a box. Most ballot measures are no more confusing than reading a menu at a Chinese restaurant, which for some may seem overwhelming I guess.

We now live in an age where our technology has made massive treasure troves of information available at the touch of a button. Information is not always true and accurate but our currently budding generations are natural born researchers who already have trusted news sources and know how to cross reference and do basic fact checking. Todays teens are on track to be the most informed twenty-somethings our planet has ever known, and they're ready to rewrite the old programs and upgrade the old hardware. We've been running democracy 1.0 for way too long and the bug issues have slowed our processors to a snails' pace. We want democracy 2.0 asap, if we don't fix these bugs the entire planetary ecosystem will collapse and we will have a hard time explaining to our grandchildren why. The sad truth is that there are democracy scammers out there and they have already ruined everything, they want democracy to fail just like the spammers want your computer to fail, or secretly be enslaved to a master computer.

I look forward to the day when I vote and see no names on the ballot. I want the tough choices to be mine, not a politicians. If I don't feel compelled to vote on an issue I simply won't vote for that issue and let others decide it. But it's futile to vote for a person who may or may not make decisions I agree with, do things I think should be done, and not do the things I want to stop, like war. I also long for an end to the Federal government and nationalism as we know it, I want local autonomy in every nook and cranny of the planet. Democracy is destined to destroy any semblance of empire if it's allowed to do it's thing. But in our current electoral system democracy is stalled, stymied, and sabotaged by the corporate clowns who own it. They have the tables totally slanted in their direction and still they are not satisfied, they are working to make democracy weaker every day, we must be ready for a real fight if we are to ever have true democracy on Earth. Patrick Henry said "Give me liberty or give me death." I say Give me direct democracy or kill me quickly.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Democracy for Sale!

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it comes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Money matters, in politics maybe more than anywhere else in our system. The people who know this best are the politicians, and perhaps their largest campaign contributors. Why would Corporations spend four billion dollars this election season if they didn't expect anything in return? In fact, after the Citizens United case was decided in the supreme court (giving corporations the "right" to spend unlimited money to manipulate our electoral system), there's little stopping them from simply buying the results they most desire. Corporations receive more money and power back from every donation dollar that goes out, they are experts on getting returns on their investments. They are already more powerful than any natural entity can be, and with the new laws they are bound to grow at an even more alarming rate. And this power buys elections, they can simply put a pile of money on any candidate, any proposition, they want to win. And no surprise the Republicans are getting 7 dollars for every one dollar going to Democrats.

Can anyone see the vicious cycle forming here? The more money they spend to manipulate our elections, the more money they get back from the system. The more money they make, the more money they have in their coffers to spend in our elections. Simultaneously, they are driving our economy into the ground and supporting candidates who push deregulation and privatization, so they can dismantle and buy up the commons and the defunct apparatus of the state. Everything we think of as being our government has fallen into the hands of private corporations, or soon will. They control the Pentagon, the Federal Reserve, The departments of agriculture and the interior, they write the farm bills and send them to congress for a rubber stamp. We already have privately owned fire departments who will put out your burning house for a fee, or they can just watch it burn if you can't pay. But what if the house burning down is Democracy, why would private interests want to save Democracy when their bottom line is at stake? In Ray Bradburys' classic novel Fahrenheit 451 the "Firemen" were in charge of burning books that challenged the authority of the state, letting some houses burn down for the sake of a corporations bottom line seems to be the missing link between our world and that dark dystopia.

Not only can corporations now put the necessary funds down on the heads of any candidate they'd like to win, but they can also draw up their own legislation and insert it into our proposition ballots. Earlier this year in California our local private energy Goliath PG&Evil, brought us Prop 16 designed to eliminate any potential competition springing up, especially renewables. Now less than half of one year later we are being sold Prop 23 designed to put a hold on Californias' Assembly Bill 32 which addresses global warming with new energy standards. They put the bill forward, funded it to the teeth, and then tell us if we vote against it we lose jobs. And they should know, they can fire people in the thousands so they can make sure it happens, almost like,... a threat? They could just as easily adapt or get out of the way and let others develop the renewables industry, creating more jobs, maybe more than coal, gas, oil, and nuclear combined. Luckily Prop 16 was defeated and it seems to suggest that 23 will go down in flames as well. But why not keep trying, the energy companies have plenty of money to throw at the system.

There was a recent story of a McDonalds franchise owner who sent a letter out with the weekly paychecks of his employees suggesting they may not get raises if they don't vote Republican. It was a classic case of voter intimidation in the workplace, or was it? I mean, we live in a new world, things are different now since corporations are people with the "right" to freedom of speech. If the supreme court can decide that A: corporations are people, B: Corporate persons have the right to Freedom of Speech, and C: political contributions equal speech, then would those same people tell the corporation that they don't have the right to write a letter? If funding a campaign is "Free Speech" then writing a letter to inform your employees of the potential consequences of their votes is definitely "Free Speech." The former is a giant leap for reason, the latter seems like a small step in comparison. If legally challenged, all this boss has to do is fight the case all the way up to his good friends on the supreme court, a very corporate friendly crew.

This nation, this system, this so-called democracy is heading for the ultimate wipe out. The wealthy ownership class has been executing their plan perfectly; ruin the economy so that the people are weak and desperate. When the people are poor and starving they will do anything the wealthy want for a pittance, just to have a meal and a roof over their heads the poor will do the bidding of the bosses and the landlords. As resources dwindle the wealthy will grow their private security forces to protect them, will you protect the rich if you need a steady job and they're the only ones hiring? Even as the people realize who is the source of their woes, they will have little choice but to do whatever the rich want just to get by from day to day. Those "Tea-Baggers"who now cry for their lost liberty under Obama will vote today for people who will sell them out to the highest bidder and turn around and blame it on Muslims. And will it be better if the Democrats retain their "control" over the house and senate? And if only slightly better, is that good enough?

HELL NO! When you choose between Democrats and Republicans it's like Thelma and Louise deciding whether to launch off the cliff in drive or overdrive. The only hope for change we have is a global uprising, a revolution of the people, by the people, and for the people of the world. We need to give up "ownership" and "wealth" and all of the delusions that we have in our world that lead us to believe it's all there for the taking. We belong to the world, to the land, to each other. We are spiritual creatures who have very temporary lives on this planet and we allow our minds to be so bloated with spyware and malware that we act as parasites actively and passively contributing to the demise of our host organism, in a long drawn out dance of self destruction. If democracy is to exist it will take an electoral revolution, a revolution OF the electoral system (not through it). The system is designed to prevent and sabotage true democracy, if we cannot change that we can change nothing of any significance with our votes. Stopping a tea bagger or corporate sponsored proposition here and there will not save the planet, we need to break up the party system before it's too late.