We are told that we have a Democracy and our will is being done through our representatives in Congress. We are told that our votes matter, that we make a difference when we go to the polls. As long as you are happy with the extremely subtle options you have from one candidate to the next, you can make some difference. But if you are considered "left of center" or "far right" you may be forever politically banished from participating in real change. The ruling political factions are constantly pulling the wheel in both directions so that no person is heading in the direction they favor and no one will ever be able to turn this ship of state around should we be heading in the wrong direction completely.
Where ever you are in America you have a representative in Congress, WOW! There's someone in Washington DC right now who is willing to go to bat for you, to bring your concerns to the table, to reconcile your interests with the interests of others. What? You've never met your Congress person? You haven't given them your list of things you need done? What are you waiting for? They're there to serve you. That's why they're called representatives, right? Does anyone believe this? Does anyone out there actually think that they have a hot line to the government in their Congress person? Of course not, except,... unless... you're a corporation. Corporations have lobbyists, they make campaign contributions, they know they're represented.
So, average American, ha ha, the joke is on you: your representative is not representing you to the government, they are representing those corporations who give them money, oh yes, and themselves. Look at our Democracy from the standpoint of Corporations and industry representatives and it begins to make perfect sense. There are over 300 million Americans with interests and concerns that are opposed to your interests and concerns, oh no, how do we get what we want? Don't worry about them, because they have relinquished their power to a handful of career politicians, less than 600! As a corporation you can't vote for these people, but you can finance their elections, and you can inundate them with lobbyists, sometimes as many as six lobbyists for each representative!
Of course you can do a lot more as a corporation, you can give politicians gifts, discounts, favors, perks, and sometimes drugs and prostitutes, why not? Sure there are laws against these things but, ha ha ha ha, seriously, as if you can jail a corporation. You're perfectly safe from prosecution, theoretically you can get in serious trouble but come on, you own this country. And the more politicians you buy the more of this country you own, and that country over there too. So don't worry about "We the people" just keep the people content enough, they have too much to lose to take back Democracy from your greedy clutches. Most of the people are apathetic and have lost faith in Democracy long ago, isn't that great?! They had some hope with Obama and now they know that it's completely hopeless because you own Obama now too, success!
We will not have true Democracy until we have direct Democracy. No more representatives, they have never represented my interests and they never will. If we can have such low voter turn outs for electing people, then why don't we just vote on each issue ourselves? If you don't care about an issue don't vote, but don't trust anyone to vote in your interest, that's just plain stupid. There should not be parties lumping votes together in a Democracy, the whole purpose of block voting is to sabotage Democracy. Instant runoff voting would be far better than our current system as it would eventually break the duopoly imposed by the Democrats and Republicans, who represent the same interests. But I prefer to make my own decisions and I am not dumb enough to trust any politician, especially when they are selling hope and change.